Joanna Senyszyn

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Joanna Senyszyn
born 1949
Function: vice-president of SLD, member of Sejm
Party: Sojusz Lewicy Demokratycznej

Joanna Senyszyn (born February 1, 1949 in Gdynia) is a Polish left-wing politician, vice-president of the Sojusz Lewicy Demokratycznej (SLD) and member of the Sejm (the lower house of the National Assembly of Poland).


[edit] Political career

In the 1970s, Senyszyn was a member of the Polish United Workers' Party (PZPR), the governing party in the communist People's Republic of Poland. In 1980 she joined Solidarność, of which she continued to be a member until 1995. Later, she joined SLD and was a successful candidate in the 2001 parliamentary election from the Democratic Left Alliance-Labor Union (SLD-UP) list, becoming a member of the Sejm. She was also a candidate in the European Parliament election in 2004, but did not win a seat. In 2005, she secured herself another Sejm term in the election (getting 11925 votes in district 26 Gdynia) and became a vice-president of her party.

[edit] In the media

Joanna Senyszyn is often featured in the media, in no small way thanks to her brash manners, expressive image and distinctive, high-pitched voice. Her public appearances, both in the Sejm and on other occasions, are often marked by the use of provocative language and satire. She is credited with coining the term kaczyzm to describe alleged fascist tendencies of the Prawo i Sprawiedliwość government. She also raised some controversy (and gained media attention) when she paraphrased the words of the late Pope John Paul II during Parada Równości, a demonstration promoting LGBT rights in Poland coupled with a gay pride parade.

[edit] Non-political activity

Joanna Senyszyn holds the academic rank of Professor ordinarius (the highest possible in the Polish system) and holds the chair in market research at the University of Gdańsk, where she also served as the Dean of the Faculty of Business Administration before being elected to the Sejm.

Joanna Senyszyn is married to Bolesław Senyszyn, a lawyer from Gdynia. According to her Sejm declaration of interest, she drives a 2004 Honda CR-V and a 1996 Volvo 850.

[edit] References

[edit] External links

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