Joan Rivers (Nip/Tuck episode)

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"Joan Rivers" is the finale of the second season of the television drama Nip/Tuck. It first aired on October 5, 2004. It was written and directed by show creator Ryan Murphy.

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

Nip/Tuck Season 2
June 22, 2004 - October 5, 2004
List of Nip/Tuck episodes


  1. Erica Noughton
  2. Christian Troy
  3. Manya Mabika
  4. Mrs. Grubman
  5. Joel Gideon
  6. Bobbi Broderick
  7. Naomi Gaines
  8. Agatha Ripp
  9. Rose and Raven Rosenberg
  10. Kimber Henry
  11. Natasha Charles
  12. Julia McNamara
  13. Oona Wentworth
  14. Trudy Nye
  15. Sean McNamara
  16. Joan Rivers

[edit] Synopsis

The episode begins with Joan Rivers in a consultation with the doctors. She shows them a picture of what she looked like before she had plastic surgery and says that she would like to go back to looking like it. She tells them that, although it was she who has popularised plastic surgery, she does not want to give the wrong message to her grandson, Cooper. They agree to do it.

Ava and Matt lie in bed together. She tells him that, although they are comfortable now, there will always be those who dissapprove of their relationship (namely, Sean, Christian and Julia). Matt then makes a bold suggestion-that they should move to Paris. Ava shows initial reluctance to do so, saying that Adrian might return, but Matt convinces her and she agrees.

In surgery, another Carver patient lies on the operating table. Liz comments on how he's getting bolder. Sean says that fixing the victims is his 'moral obligation' and that every other surgeon in town is afraid to. He asks for a scalpel but instead is handed a gun by Escobar Gallardo. He tells Sean that the only way to truly end the Carver attacks is to face him man to man. Sean tells Escobar that he of all people should know that he can't use a gun (referring to the events in the previous season finale). Sean turns to then find Escobar lying on the operating table in place of the Carver victim. Escobar taunts him for not being brave enough to do it, but Sean reminds him that it was he who had put him in jail. Escobar continues to taunt him with the words "Restore the order. And kill The Carver". Sean asks for a gun and fires it at Escobar holding up The Carver's mask, before awaking from his dream.

At the office, Matt is looking through the medicinal cabinet. Christian finds him and asks him what he's doing. Matt says that he's been feeling depressed but Christian reads the list and asks him what the real reason. Matt confesses-the pills are for Ava when they first arrive in Paris.

Christian pays a visit to Ava and tells her that he will now allow her to leave the country. She taunts him in a way not dissimlar to the first time they met, and tells him he can't 'conquer' her whilst continutally slapping him. Christian finally breaks and makes to have sex with her on the couch before seeing something that causes him to leave. Ava calls after him, asking whether she's "too much of a woman" for him.

In his office, Sean is talking with Detective Fischman. He tells him his plan-pull the security off his house at the end of the week and lure the Carver into his trap. When The Carver thinks he's alone, the police will come in and arrest him. Detective Fischman initially disagrees with the plan but eventually agrees, albeit reluctantly. Christian then enters and tells Sean what he's just discovered about Ava-that she is a transexual.

At the McNamara house, Julia searches for Ava Moore online. She comes up blank and asks Christian if maybe he had perhaps been mistaken. He tells her that her vaginal canal had been unnaturally shallow and that the list of drugs she was asking Matt to steal also corresponds. Detective Fischman comes in and tells Sean that the cameras have been set up. Julia asks Sean why he'd need them. He tells her they're part of a new security system he's having installed. He thanks Fischman who then leaves. Julia has an idea, and searches online for Ava's credit account. She discovers that Ava has spent large amounts in Vienna, Virginia, which is close to Baltimore, where Ava presumably had her sex change.

At the airport, Christian asks what going to Baltimore will achieve when they wouldn't answer his calls. Liz informs him that they need to "see you to trust you" and that they should be sympathetic towards Ava's cause when they get there.

In Baltimore, a group of transexuals discusses problems they've had since their respective operations. Carol Nelson, a counselor, cites airports as a specific problem, due to the heavy levels of scrutiny. Sean and Christian then enter and she breaks up the meeting. They introduce themselves and say that they're here to find out the details of Ava's first operation. Carol totally refuses at first, saying that by giving them that information she would be betraying the trust of the people at the centre, but eventually informs them that, to get the information, they should talk to the doctor who performed the operation, Doctor Barett Moore.

The doctor's visit his home and he tells them Ava's history-that she used to be called Avery Tanner and that he originally came to Barett through an interest in his work. It soon became apparent, however, that he was in fact interested in Barett himself. Thinking that he would perhaps be able to return the love Avery felt for him if he was a woman, he performed the sex change and they were married. But, although it looked happy on the surface, it was in fact extremely complicated. To try and bring some normality to it, they adopted Adrian, but this did very little to help it. Eventually, Ava left Barett before he could perform a final operation on her vaginal canal. When asked for Ava's file, Barett's initial reaction is much like Carol's but, when Sean informs him of his predicament with Matt, and that Ava was in a relationship with Adrian, he agrees.

At Julia's apartment, Sean hands her Ava's file. She asks him if he's okay after his Carver attack and that he shouldn't do anything silly to prove his bravery. She then goes for a meeting with Ava, whilst Sean and Christian talk with Matt. Julia tells Ava that she'll make a deal-if Ava breaks up with Matt and leaves town, she won't reveal her secret. Sean and Christian, meanwhile, tell Matt that they are totally supportive of his leaving, knowing that Ava will have no choice but to accept Julia's deal. Ava tells Julia that, if she leaves, the doctor's will have to do her one final favour-fix the one thing that gave her away.

On the operating table, Ava scorns Christian for regarding her as nothing more than a joke. He, however, tells her that she's one of the most fascinating people he's ever met. She then expresses worry over the doctor's lack of experience in the operation. They tell her they know, which is why they've brought in someone who knows what to do-Doctor Moore. They talk briefly before she goes under for the procedure.

At her house, Ava vacuums. Matt arrives and announces he has the tickets to go to Paris. She says that she is angry at him for the mess that he makes and for the fact that he is, in the end, just a boy. She tells him that she's finally come to the realisation that the relationship between them would not, in fact, work. Matt storms out.

Joan Rivers tells the doctors that their pre-op consultation is unnecessary. They press on with it, however, until they show her the computer simulated image of what she would look like, at which she expresses horror. She calls off the operation but schedules a facelift before leaving. Sean invites Christian over for dinner and he accepts.

Ava is packing her bags when Adrian walks in. She tells him that she has two tickets and that she's broken up with Matt. Although at first angry, Adrian hugs Ava, only to plunge a knife into his stomach. He tells her that he had to be sure "you'd never leave me again" before collapsing on the floor. Ava attempts revival but it's too late.

At the McNamara house, the family has dinner, before Sean says bye to them.

At her house, Ava lies next to the body of Adrian.

Christian bids goodnight to Sean, reminding him to lock the door. Sean locks it and Christian leaves. When he's out of sight, Sean once again unlocks it, leaving it open for The Carver. In his bathroom, Sean checks his scar and imagines Escobar standing next to him, before getting the gun he purchased at the end of Season One from a drawer.

At the airport, Ava is asked for her passport. She gives it to the security guard who refers to her as 'Miss Moore' She smiles and walks through security.

Sean lies in his bed, holding his gun, waiting for The Carver. We see The Carver walking down a corridor and preparing his needle to use on his next victim which, we find out, is Christian who is quickly paralysed. As Sean continues to wait for him to arrive, The Carver stands over Christian's bed, wielding his signature blade. As it drops, the screen fades to black.

[edit] Trivia

  • This is the final 'real' appearance of Ava Moore (she later appeared in an hallucination of Matt's)
  • In the counselling scene in the Baltimore Clinic, Cherry Peck (a character who, in Season Three, plays a much larger role) can be seen.

[edit] Music

  • Concierto De Aranjuez-Tangerine D- Sean performs surgery on a Carver victim.
  • Cars by Gary Numan- Sean's dream sequence
  • Epoca by Gotan Project- Christian confronts Ava.
  • Queremos Paz by Gotan Project- Sean and Christian visit Dr. Barrett Moore
  • Wild Horses by Rolling Stones- Ava's surgery.
  • City Ports by Forss - Adrian commits suicide.
  • All I Know by Art Garfunkel- final montage: family dinner, Ava leaves for Paris, the Carver visits Christian.
Preceded by
Sean McNamara
Nip/Tuck episode
Succeeded by
Momma Boone