Joachim Gaunse

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Joachim Gans, which is now the accepted spelling - other spelling variations which are linguistically wrong: (Jeochim, Jochim) (Gaunz, Ganse, Gaunse), was a Bohemian mining expert who figures in the English state papers of the reign of Elizabeth I. He was born at Prague, Kingdom of Bohemia and was therefore in all probability a connection of David Gans, who settled there in 1564; he certainly shared his scientific interests. He is first mentioned in his professional capacity at Keswick, Cumberland, in 1581, and he remained in England till the end of 1589. He introduced a new process for the "makeing of Copper, vitriall, and Coppris, and smeltinge of Copper and leade ures." A full description of his operations is preserved in the English state papers (Domestic Series, Elizabeth, vol. 152, No. 88). Foreign miners were very active in England about this period. There is no doubt that England owed much to such immigrants in the mining industries (see Cunningham, Alien Immigrants, p. 122).

Gans became the first Bohemian and the first recorded Jew in colonial America when in 1584, Sir Walter Raleigh recruited him to join an expedition to explore the Virginia territory in hopes of founding a permanent settlement as well as meeting the Queen's desire of discovering copper, silver, and gold, or at least finding a passageway to the Orient. Gans was identified by Raleigh because he had discovered a way to reduce the time to purify a batch of copper ore from sixteen weeks to just four days. In addition, Gaunse was able to use the impurities removed from the ore in textile dyes. Francis Bacon, Lord Chancellor of England probably used Gans as the model for the heroic Jewish scientist, Joabim, in his utopian novel, The New Atlantis (published in 1627).

Due to a discovery of lumps of smelted copper and a goldsmith’s crucible by archaeologists (also attributed to Gaunse) among the ruins of what was called the Roanoke site, a colony was formed there. Because the royal mining company failed to resupply colonists who were also becoming increasingly fearful of conflicts with the Indians, they accepted an offer from Sir Francis Drake to sail them to England. All the colonists, including Gans left the New World.

Gans moved to the town of Bristol where he gave Hebrew lessons to English gentlemen who wanted to read the Bible in its original tongue. In 1589, Reverend Richard Curteys visited Gans who in speaking "in the Hebrue tonge," proclaimed himself a Jew, asked Gans, "Do you deny Jesus Christ to be the Son of God?" Gans replied, "What needeth the almighty God to have a son, is he not almighty?"

Gans was brought before the mayor and aldermen of Bristol for "blasphemy." Rather than deal with this Jew who was connected to the Royal Mining Company, Bristol’s town fathers referred his case to the Queen’s Privy Council, which was composed of the mining company’s major investors. Gans was transported back to London for their judgment. The council seems to have taken no hostile action, however. Francis Walsingham, who was then secretary of state, was an old employer of Gans, and other members of the council also knew him.

Gans simply disappears from the historical record at this point. Whether laying low in England or returning to Prague, Gans seemed to avoid further prosecution for the remainder of his life.

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