João Vareia

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João Vareia
Jon Varéa
Island: Santiago
Municipality: São Domingos
Distance from the island capital: about 10 km NW of Praia


about 100 m
about 250 to 300 m
Pico da Antónia

João Vareia (Capeverdean Crioulo, ALUPEC or ALUPEK: Jon Varéa, before 1997, Juãu Vareia) is a village situated at the southcentral part of Santiago Island in Cape Verde. It is part of the municipality of São Domingos?. The village is linked with the road linking to the national capital of Praia which is about 10 km away.


[edit] Nearest places

[edit] Geography

The area around João Vareia are made up of farmlands with some forests. Crops, groves and pastures covers the valley and the southern and eastern parts. Forests are mainly in the valley and mountain areas. The mountains that are filled with beautiful forests and grasslands dominates the northwestern parts and westward the Pico d'Antónia, the island's tallest point.

[edit] Information

A part of the houses were built in the late-20th century, some homes are built with mud and brick as well as stone which was common until the mid-20th century. The living standards are around the middle range as well as its income, one time, there were no money until the mid-20th century. The village is in the island's middle to upper class. Most of the population are farmers and are based in agriculture where banana plantations, pineapple, livestock and other crops including fruits and vegetables are common, the rest works in shops, ports and other businesses including its ports, services and markets, the remainder are fishers. Electricity as well as communications, other necessities and phone lines were introduced and serves many houses since the mid-20th century and serves much of the population.

[edit] Panorama

The panorama includes the the mountains to the west and north which features Pico da Antónia to the west. The southeastern portion of the island can be seen.

[edit] Other

João Vareia has school, a middle school, a churches, and a square (praça or prasa). Its nearest secondary school is in suburban northwestern part of Praia.

The island of Santiago and the surrounding islands
Communities and settlements
Achada | Achadinha de Baixo | Agua do Gato | Assomada | Banana | Boa Entrada | Cachoeiras | Calheta de São Miguel | Cancelo | Chão Bom | Cidade Velha | Curral da Cado? | Fazenda | Figueira da Naus | João Vareia | Mangue de Setes Ribeiras | Pedra Badejo | Pico | Ponta Rincão | Porto Formoso | Porto Gouveia | Porto Mosquito | Praia | Principal | Ribeira da Barca | Ribeira da Prata | Rui Vaz | Santa Ana | Santa Cruz | São Domingos | São Francisco | São Lourenço dos Órgãos | Tarrafal | Trãs os Montes
Serra da Malagueta | Pico d'Antónia
Nossa Senhora da Graça | Nossa Senhora da Luz | Santa Catarina | Santiago Maior |Santíssimo Nome de Jesus | Santo Amaro Abade | São João Baptista | São Lourenço dos Órgãos | São Miguel Arcanjo |São Nicolau Tolentino | São Salvador do Mundo
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