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Species: Nitzhrak
Gender: female
Affiliation: Starfleet
Posting: USS Stargazer
Position: science officer
Rank: Ensign

Ensign Jiterica is a fictional character in the non-canon Star Trek series Stargazer.

Jiterica is a science officer in the USS Stargazer. She is a member of the Nitzhrak, a very unusual low-density race of intelligent gaseous beings. Jiterica's natural form is a cloud of mist, and she has to constantly wear a heavy, awkward containment suit to facilitate interaction with the Stargazer and fellow crewmembers. Even the face shown in the suit's helmet and her voice are artificial, generated by a portable computer.

Jiterica tries her best to fit in with the rest of the crew and prove herself to them, as the first Nitzhrak in Starfleet. She hates her containment suit but considers it a necessity. She has a relationship with Ensign Cole Paris. The relationship is not exactly romantic, more like an intense friendship that makes both parties feel happiness and bliss.

Jiterica originally served under chief science officer Juanita Valderrama, but when Valderrama claimed credit for one of Jiterica's inventions for herself, Captain Jean-Luc Picard dismissed her from his crew, and today Jiterica's superior officer is a Kandilkari called Nol Kastiigan.