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Jiohdi or Jee oh dee or G. O. D. the Generator Of Dreams... a Zen Agnostic Pragmatic Pan-me-istic Skeptic (ZAPPS)
I have never known a single moment when I did not exist, and never shall!
Everything I do know is my own minds invention.
I am always at the center of my own mind.
I exist in the ever present moment... it is always now.
as far as I can tell, I am the whole of reality seeing it all from one of many points of view... and you who may be reading this are all parts of me as I am part of you... as we are the ONE who seems to be many.... waves upon a single ocean and the ocean as well.
ONE uncreated quantum computer without beginning, ending, or purpose. Just cranking out different patterns and relationships in an ever changing dance of forces.. and all of us virtual computers within the running universal mainframe.
[edit] Background
3 years radio/tv in Essex county NJ vocational and technical HS
2 years Electronic Engineering Technology, DeVry Inst NJ
10 years Ordained minister, Jehovah's Witnesses 17 years Ordained minister, universal life church under the Church of Cyberia 12 years student of Psychology via self education. former member of ITAA international transactional analysis association.
my webpage and Yahoo chat name: The Dreamer Dreaming