Jim Quinn

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Jim Quinn (Born 1943) is a popular Conservative/Libertarian radio talk show host based in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He is syndicated to Johnstown and Somerset, Pennsylvania; Akron, Ohio; Columbus, Ohio; Wheeling, West Virginia; Bangor, Maine, and Providence, Rhode Island and is also heard on XM Satellite Radio Channel 165 from 6 - 9 AM, Monday through Friday.

Before beginning his political morning show, Quinn spent a number of years doing voice over work for WPGH-TV 53, and as a disc jockey at KQV in the 1970s - where he would befriend his eventual political mentor Rush Limbaugh. Limbaugh worked at KQV and WIXZ/McKeesport, PA as a disc jockey under the name Jeff Christie.

Quinn is best remembered in the Pittsburgh area as the nighttime screamer on KQV radio in the 1960s, during the station's peak as a Top 40 power. Quinn was hired from WING/Dayton in 1967 and had an immediate impact on the market. In 1968, he jumped at an opportunity to take a job in Philadelphia, but was back at KQV in less than a year. He stayed until 1972, then spent time in New York City at WPIX-FM.

He then moved to Buffalo, where in the late seventies he became known to listeners throughout the northeast on WKBW-AM, a 50,000 watt station that took requests from as far away as Norway. Quinn's final hour included a trivia game called "Stump The Audience," where the answers had been kept "in a sealed envelope on Funk and Wagnalls doorstep since noon today." In an emotional farewell as he returned to Pittsburgh, Quinn said, "may I get lockjaw if I ever forget how much I appreciate the people who listen."

A Pittsburgh station, 13Q or WKTQ, lured him back in 1977 to capture the adults who had grown up listening to him on KQV. Quinn later moved to the midday slot at WTAE radio, an adult contemporary station in Pittsburgh. In 1983, he became half of "The Quinn and Banana Show" on B-94 FM, which ran in Pittsburgh, PA, until the late 1980's. While performing a skit for that show, he and his on-air partner "Banana Don" Jefferson were sued for Sexual harassment for their antics, which were somewhat comparable to those of Howard Stern. They made a crude joke suggesting that newswoman Liz Randolph was adept at oral sex. Shortly thereafter, his FM morning show was cancelled. Quinn largely credits his experiences regarding this lawsuit as "opening his eyes" in his conversion to Conservatism.

He can be listened worldwide on the internet via WarRoom.com.


[edit] Quinn's Laws

Jim has formulated a group of what are, in his opinion, indisputable laws regarding the nature of liberalism and the behavior of its proponents. These are:

1. Liberalism always generates the exact opposite of its stated intent. Similarly, government bureaucracies never solve problems, they manage them and exacerbate the ones they created by interfering with market forces and processes.

2. If you want to know what liberals are up to, pay attention to what they accuse the conservatives of.

3. The amount of wealth in any given area is inversely proportional to the amount of Democrats running it.

4. Liberalism only succeeds when the public is scared into believing that it will not survive without it.

5. When liberalism conflicts with reality, reality must give way.

6. Facts are the enemy of liberalism.

7. Things are different when you are a Democrat [regarding his allegations of the media's ignorance towards Democratic scandals and misconduct].

8. A Liberal is any person for whom two thousand years of human experience and history means nothing now that they are here.

9. To liberals, intentions are more significant than the outcomes they achieve.

10. Liberals never think what they are doing is wrong, they only think they haven't done enough of it yet or it is underfunded.

11. Profiling is what groups call common sense when they have a problem they don't want to talk about.

12. Democrats and liberals do not engage in debate, they try to silence you. If they engaged in debate, they'd lose.

13. Democrats are political opportunists.

14. Liberalism is based on unproven and/or disproven theory.

15. Every culture is unquestionable except the West's

16. Liberals view the world the way they think it should be, not the way it is.

[edit] The Quick Start Guide

Jim Quinn has compiled The Quick Start Guide to the War Room, an enumeration of the basic beliefs expressed on his show. They include:

1. The solution to the human condition is liberty. Three hundred years of the most successful country the globe has ever seen is proof enough. No government program created this country; free people created this country. UPDATE: Slaves, who were integral to the creation of this country, were NOT free people.

2. The unspoken Bush doctrine is: the decades of the dictators is over. We had a parade of them for 100 years and they killed 100 million of us. We've learned our lesson. UPDATE: Since November, maybe we haven't.

3. America is not an imperialist nation. If you believe that, you're a barking moonbat. Either that or you're a college professor. We are not shoving our way of life down anyone's throats. We our shoving freedom down the throats of tyrants so other people can choose their way of life. This is the role of the world's only superpower.

4. Marxism is the greatest threat to human freedom, prosperity, and growth. It has never worked anywhere it's been tried, yet is still taught in every college. It's time to drain the swamp of the 1960's reprobates and charge them with selling a defective product to our kids. UPDATE: radical Islam now joins Marxism, and liberals are doing everything they can to enable it. Now the |Muslim_Student_Association is on every college campus, and liberals are falling all over themselves to kowtow to them.

5. America is not the world's largest polluter, as carbon dioxide is not a pollutant, it's plant food, and, in terms of wealth versus tons of pollution, we are the cleanest country on Earth because we are free, and, hence, have the disposable income to clean up after ourselves, something the vaunted Soviet Bloc never had. Ever see pictures of the Soviet Bloc steel mills? Looks like Dante's_Inferno, but you've never heard the environmentalists complain about that, did you? That's right, because the environmental movement is the new home of American communism.

6. The environmental movement uses the environment and animal species as an excuse for putting the means of production (ultimately, that means the land) off limits to the American citizen. Putting the means of production off limits to the American citizen is the definition of communism. UPDATE: Putting gas and oil off limits to the citizen is the definition of insanity.

7. We have a highly progressive income tax. The |Tax_code rewards bad choices and punishes good ones. Russia has moved to a thirteen-percent Flat_tax so we have Karl Marx's tax system, and Russia has Steve Forbes' tax system. If you don't see a problem here, you are probably a registered Democrat.

8. Abortion is the sacrament of the feminist church. Might I add, we were the first ones to coin that. It is the ultimate celebration of the separation of a woman from her nature. Feminists like this and will go to any lengths to protect this so-called right. There is no abortion argument that is not rooted in feminist rage, personal inconvenience, and self-Loathing.

9. The fundamental difference between liberals and conservatives is liberals see every new life as a potential problem and a burden, while conservatives see every new life as a potential source of creativity and wealth. Allow me to elaborate a little bit on that: when your view of your responsibility to your fellow citizen is to take care of them through government planning and government force from cradle to grave, then every new person born becomes a new mouth to feed, another person to educate, another burden on the state's limited resources. If you are a liberal, you believe that resources are limited, and there is only so much to go around. You see yourself, or government policy, as the arbiter of who gets what. A conservative, on the other hand, understands that new wealth is created every time human creativity acts on a resource, and, as such, wealth is unlimited. To a conservative, life is a blessing; to a liberal, life is a curse. Does this clarify their love of abortion and Euthanasia?

10. There is no conclusive evidence that humans have caused global warming. It's the hoax of the century, and it makes a lot of people a lot of grant money. It also makes a convenient excuse for putting a global governor on capitalism to make the world fair for dictators and socialist welfare states. So, why not teach it to our kids and pretend it's true? UPDATE: Even the U.N. is now having doubts, and scientists are warning we may be returning to the Little_Ice_Age of the 16- and 1700's, which might explain some of the over-the-top, wild comments from the global warming crowd.

11. No one has ever died trying to paddle a rubber boat from Miami to Cuba.

12. Racial profiling is what groups pejoratively call common sense when they have a problem they don't want to talk about. When you notice several Middle Eastern-looking men boarding an airplane and acting strangely and you yank them out of line and then your airline gets sued for 1.2 million dollars, you were engaging in common sense, but they say you were engaging in racial profiling. When they say they want to discuss it, they don't. They just want you to shut up.

13. To a Conservative, adversity is indistinguishable from opportunity.

14. The UN is an expensive farce that allows tyrants to park illegally and pretend they are legitimate world statesmen. They are not; they are thugs in $14,000 suits.

15. Wahabist Islam is a global mental illness. It is a sickness; it is a cancer; it is evil.

16. There is such a thing as evil, and you cannot negotiate with it.

17. Common sense and government are mutually exclusive. Government is what you do when you've decided you can't trust the citizen to use their common sense. So, when you, as an elitist or one of our betters, notices that not all of us out here are perfect and not all of us make the proper judgments, at least not in your mind, then you impose your bureaucratic rules upon us, and we cannot use our common sense anymore. You see, common sense is nothing more than freedom. Don't ever let a politician tell you that he or she is going to bring common sense to government. If they say that, run as fast as you can. The only way to bring common sense to government is to get rid of government and allow people to use their common sense instead.

18. Reaganomics, supply side, is the only economics that works. Lowering tax rates increases wealth to everyone, including the government, because there is no limit to wealth. New wealth is created where wealth did not exist before when a human acts on a resource, and humans can only do that when they are free. See North_Korea and Palestine. Taxes are restrictions on freedom.

19. The Second Amendment to the United States constitution is the essential counter-balance to the fearsome power of law-making, and it means exactly what it says! 'A well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of THE PEOPLE to keep and bear arms SHALL NOT be infringed.' What this means is that every gun law in America is unconstitutional, no matter what the courts say. If you are a lawmaker and this amendment makes you nervous, good. As long as you stay nervous, you have nothing to fear.

20. In our republic God is a necessary legal concept. This is not a democracy, this is a constitutional representative republic, and there is a big difference. In case you're wondering why so many of the Socialists out there, like the American_Civil_Liberties_Union, the National_Lawyer's_Guild, and others, they all want God out of everything in our public life, there's a very real, utilitarian reason for that. It's not just that the idea of God makes them uncomfortable personally, although it does. God is a major speed bump on their superhighway to their super state. Why? Because our founding document set forth that our rights as humans predate the government of men. Those rights, therefore, cannot be abridged, at least not easily. They come from God, not from men, and therefore, they are inalienable. Drive God out of the mix, and our rights will default to flow from the government. Once that happens, government will alter and abridge those rights because they can. Whether God exists or not, he is necessary for the maintenance of freedom.

21. There is no such thing as a separation of church and state. That is a trick to intimidate people of faith. The founders feared a Church of the United States, not a manger scene outside a courthouse or red and green cookies in school. Using this as a tool to drive all religion out of public life, the secular humanist who quotes the First Amendment is actually establishing an official state religion, and the religion is atheism.

22. War is the only effective means for defeating evil. There is, unfortunately, no other.

23. In war there is no such thing as excessive force.

24. Using only the amount of force necessary to win ensures that you will lose.

25. The United Nations does not prevent war. It prevents war from working by stopping it before there is a definitive result. See |Korean_War, Israel, Hezbollah. In doing so, it invalidates the sacrifices of blood and treasure. That is a CRIME!

26. You cannot legalize gay marriage because there's no such thing as gay marriage. First, you must invent it. It's like legalizing the square wheel. There's no such thing as that, either. Marriage as a concept was created so as to give a name to an arrangement between a man and a woman because that arrangement has the potential to generate the lives of the next generation of citizens. If sex between a man and a woman did not create the next generation of citizens, there would be no need for a word to describe the relationship, since civilization would have no interest in the relationship. We would just hook up with each other; when we got bored, we would just move on. Gay activists understand this, and it explains the headlong plunge into gay adoption as an attempt to legitimize the oxymoron gay marriage.

27. QUINN'S FIRST LAW. Liberalism always creates the exact opposite of its stated intent.

[edit] Show

On his new WPGB 104.7 FM morning show, Quinn discussed various conspiracy theories during the Clinton administration, including extensive coverage of Vince Foster's death, Juanita Broaddrick's alleged rape and the notion that he sold secret intelligence information to the Chinese government, typically referred to as Chinagate. In the lead up to the 2000 U.S. presidential election, he posited that Clinton might enact martial law and remain as president indefinitely. Quinn was a major proponent of the Y2K threat, and advertised 'Y2K survival kits' on his show. He has alleged Hillary Clinton to be part of a New World Order conspiracy theory. He regularly calls prominent democrats "Marxists". At one point, he interviewed a man claiming to be a Catholic priest, who claimed that the Clintons were demon possessed. - Quinn claims to be a proponent of a Constitutional government that adheres to the guiding principles of the nation's founders. He claims to champion a smaller federal government and free markets. He regularly equates modern liberalism with Marxism. He commonly refers to "Quinn's Laws", a collection of statements that sum up his world view, such as "liberalism always generates the exact opposite of its stated intent" (i.e. the War on Poverty has led to even greater poverty)." His support of the Patriot Act has caused some to question his commitment to small government. The show is done with co-host Rose Somma Tennent (or Radio Rose) weekdays from 6 AM to 9 AM on certain affiliates; others replay the first hour after 9.

It has an unusual format: the show is, for the most part, divided into thematic "Heads Ups" (e.g. liberal heads-up, "Euro-weenie" heads-up, ACLU heads up), each with their own theme song (he seems to be growing tired of them now):

ACLU Heads-Up: Losing my Religion, by REM

Gay Heads-Up: YMCA, by The Village People

Immigration Heads-Up: Illegal Alien, by Genesis

Liberal Heads-Up: Love Me, I'm a Liberal, by Jello Biafra

Media Heads-Up: Dirty Laundry, by Don Henley

Clinton Legacy Heads-Up: Heres a Quarter, Call Someone Who Cares, by Travis Tritt

Racial Heads-Up: Black or White, by Michael Jackson

Union Heads-Up: Bang on The Drum All Day, by Todd Rundgren

Gun Heads-Up: Lock and Load, by Bob Seger

School Heads-Up: School Days, by Chuck Berry

Ted Kennedy Heads-Up: Drive My Car, by The Beatles

Victim Heads-Up: Get Over It, by The Eagles

Insane Item of the Day: They're Coming to Take Me Away, by Napoleon XIV

Harry Reid Heads-Up: Pinky and the Brain theme

John Kerry Heads-Up: Flipper Theme

Bush Heads-Up: Bush Was Right by The Right Brothers

Iran Heads-Up: Bomb, Bomb, Bomb, Bomb, Bomb Iran by Stephen Bender

Iraq Heads-Up: I'm Free by The Who

"Moonbat" Heads-Up: They're Coming to Take Me Away, by Napoleon XIV

Hate Mail: Three Days Grace by Evanescence

France Heads-Up: Surrender to Love, by Kindred the Family Soul

San Francisco Heads-Up: San Francisco, by Scott McKenzie

Democrat Heads-Up: Surrender to Love, by Kindred the Family Soul or It's My Party and I'll Cry If I Want To, by Lesley Gore.

America Heads-Up: Living in America, by James Brown.

Animal Rights Heads-Up: Rabbit Slayer, by Ozzie Fudd.

Government Heads-Up: For What It's Worth, by Buffalo Springfield.

Euro-Weeny Heads-Up: Springtime for Hitler, from The Producers soundtrack.

Greeny-Weeny Heads-Up: It's not that Easy Being Green, by The Muppets.

University Heads-Up: Another Brick in the Wall, Part 2, by Pink Floyd.

New World Order Heads-Up: Bidding America Goodbye (The Auction), by Tanya Tucker.

Peacenik/Cindy Sheehan Heads-Up: The "I'd Like to Buy the World a Coke" Jingle from the 70s Coke commercials.

Venezuela Heads-Up: Hot Hot Hot, by Buster Poindexter.

The music at the beginning of the show and after commercials is Eminence Front by The Who, Stranglehold by Ted Nugent, Cradle Will Rock by Van Halen, La Grange by ZZ Top, and Panama by Van Halen, and (on Fridays at the top of the hour) Everybody's Working for the Weekend, by Loverboy.

[edit] Affiliates

Starting out in Pittsburgh, the show has been syndicated within Pennsylvania, Ohio, and West Virginia. The show originates from WPGB.

Calls Freq. Branding Format Market/Market Rank[1] Timeslot Group Owner
Satellite Stations
XM 165 Talk Radio 165 Talk United States Live 6A-9A ET
Adjust for time zone
Clear Channel Communications
Terrestrial Stations
WPGB 104.7 MHz Image:Triangle-red.gifFM NewsTalk 104.7 News/Talk Pittsburgh, PA / 23 Live 6A-10A Clear Channel Communications
WYTS 1230 KHz Your Talk Station News/Talk Columbus, OH / 37 Live 6A-9A Clear Channel Communications
WHJJ 920 KHz Talk radio 920 WHJJ News/Talk Providence, RI / 38 Tape 9A-12P Clear Channel Communications
WHLO 640 KHz Akron's News Talk 640 WHLO News/Talk Akron, OH / 73 Live 6A-9A Clear Channel Communications
WNTJ 850 KHz News/Talk 850 WNTJ News/Talk Johnstown, PA / 190 Live 6A-9A Forever Broadcasting LLC
WNTW 990 KHz News/Talk 850 WNTW
WVOM 103.9 MHz 103-9 WVOM: The Voice of Maine News/Talk Bangor, ME / 216 Live 6A-9A Clear Channel Communications
WWVA 1170 KHz Newsradio 1170 WWVA News/Talk Wheeling, WV / 247 Live 6A-9A Clear Channel Communications
WDPT 1490 KHz Image:Triangle-red.gifProTalk 1490 News/Talk Decatur, AL 6-9A CT (1 hour delay) Christian Voice of Central Ohio

Image:Triangle-red.gif - Show is streamed via the internet.

Altoona 1290 AM WFBG dropped his show in 2006 in favor of some local hosts. Quinn has said on-air that he holds no ill-will toward the station and said he would have done the same if he was WFBG management and had the chance to bring in his eventual replacements.

In recent months, a small station in Rhode Island has began broadcasting his show, and he has talked about other potential stations in New England in the near future. In addition, a station in Alabama has picked up the show, indicating more national expansion is in the work.