Jewish Academy of Metropolitan Detroit
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The Jean and Samuel Frankel Jewish Academy of Metropolitan Detroit (FJA) [1], formerly the Jewish Academy of Metropolitan Detroit (JAMD), is located in West Bloomfield, Michigan on the Eugene and Marcia Applebaum Jewish Community Campus. It will be relocated at the start of the 2007-2008 school year, to a new building in the D. Dan and Betty Kahn Jewish Community Center (JCC), still located on the Eugene and Marcia Applebaum Jewish Community Campus. It is currently in its seventh year of existence and is residing for the most part in 18 double-wide modular classrooms (affectionately known as the "trailers") next to the in-line hockey center that is part of the JCC, with full access to the JCC pool, gymnasium, and multi-purpose room (Handleman Hall) for Minyan, or daily prayer. There are classes in an addition to the JCC known as the "7500 Area" (so named because the number of square feet it has), with A&A (Arts and Athletics) classes in these locales, and some academic classes held in the 7500 Area. FJA is a college preparatory Jewish day high school. Students that attend FJA come from various denominations within Judaism including Reform, Conservative, and Orthodox. FJA is a college prep school.