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Jetstorm is the name of several characters in the fictional Transformers Universes.


[edit] Transformers: Generation 2 (1993)

Transformers character

Decepticon Jetstorm Box Art
Affiliation Decepticon
Sub-Group Aquaspeeders
Function Coordinator
Motto "The best thing in life is sweet revenge."
Alternate Modes Off-Road Vehicle
Series Generation 2

The name Jetstorm was first used in the Transformers toyline on two different toys released on two different continents; however both characters were Aquaspeeders - toys that could shoot water from their weapon and had parts which changed color when they came in contact with water, a gimmick never again seen in the toyline.

The first Transformers toy with the name Jetstorm was a 4WD vehicle and was released in America. This toy was of the Deluxe size but as was typical of many newly created Transformers toys at the time, it was incredibly simple - as a robot, Jetstorm could only move his arms at his elbows and his legs were completely immobile. This character has not appeared in any fiction so far. The toy was repainted in Europe as an Autobot called Aquafend.

His character profile indicates he is a bully and despised because of his insistence on getting his own way all the time. However, his expertise at coordinating his unit has kept the Deception from dismantling him - for now.

[edit] Autobot Version

Also available in 1993, but only in Europe, was another, different Jetstorm toy also of the Deluxe size. This character was an Autobot who transformed into a rally car which was repainted from an American Autobot named Gobots. Although still considered simple compared to many Transformers of the same size, Jetstorm is at least able to bend his legs at his knees as well as at his elbows unlike the Decepticon Jetstorm, however this is most likely only because his transformation requires it. This character did not appear in nay fiction either.

His bio indicated that he was a strategy expert and highly intelligent, however he was described as impetuous and brash. He is brilliant at devising new defense methods against the Decepticons. His motto is "Give me more action! It's no fun unless I can see the whites of their eyes."

[edit] Beast Wars (1997)

Transformers character

Predacon Jetstorm Box Art
Affiliation Predacon
Function Sky Patrol
Alternate Modes Dragonfly
Series Beast Wars

[edit] Animated Series

Jetstorm's stasis pod was among those who were launched into orbit around prehistoric Earth in the series pilot.

[edit] IDW Publishing

Jetstorm finally made his first official appearance in the 2006 IDW Beast Wars comic, where it was revealed he was a Maximal protoform from the Axalon who was infected with a Predacon shell program by Magmatron.

[edit] Beast Wars II

Jetstorm was not released in Japan under his American identity but the toy was recolored and released as a Maximal Insectron called Tonbot. His profile indicates that he uses his appearance to distract his enemies until it is far too late. He can also produce a toxic venom which he can spit over distances of 500 feet or more.

[edit] Beast Machines (2000)

Transformers character

The Vehicon Jetstorm
Affiliation Vehicon
Function Aero-Drone General
Motto "I am not bound by the law of the land."
Alternate Modes Cybertonian Jetfighter
Series Beast Machines
Voiced by Brian Drummond

The most well-known character to bear the name Jetstorm was the Beast Machines Vehicon who carried the spark of the Maximal, Silverbolt. An arrogant and rather talkative fighter, Jetstorm usually joked and mocked the Maximals but also hid a harsh and purely vindictive personality. He is alternative mode was a metallic blue Cybertronian Attack Jet.

Each of the three original Vehicon Generals had their own personalized command codes; Jetstorm's was: "Jetstorm Afterburn!!!"

Jetstorm was probably the most enthusiastic of the Vehicon Generals. He loved his job of tormenting the Maximals, and was always cuttingly sarcastic in battle. He was completely loyal to Megatron, despite his huge ego, and did not tolerate treachery from the other Generals. He commanded the Aero-Drones, who he quickly became annoyed with for their incompetence. Jetstorm never took responsibility for his own failures. To him, his efforts were flawless and someone else was always at fault.

When Blackarachnia first realized that Jetstorm (not Thrust) was Silverbolt, she tried to do everything in her power to convince him of who he really was. Unlike Thrust, Jetstorm had no memory flashes of his former past and therefore no soft spot for the female spider. Instead he was constantly annoyed by her efforts and attempted to kill her on several occasions. Despite their past rivalry, he and Thrust formed an actual friendship, even though the idea of having a friend seemed absurd at first to Jetstorm. However, Jetstorm despised the other Vehicon General, Tankor, thinking him to be a stupid lug who always got in the way.

In the end, Blackarachnia forced Jetstorm to transform back into Silverbolt by using organic core liquid and a spark extraction device complied with a DNA scanner.

According to Bob Skir's web site the producers were originally going to call the character Skybolt, but had to change the name for trademark reasons. According to the DVD commentary for Beast Machines they changed the name from Skybolt to Jetstorm because the name Skybolt was so close to Silverbolt they feared people would guess they were the same person.

A little bit of trivia about Jetstorm is that although he never walks on the ground in Beast Machines, his toy has fully articulated legs and feet.

[edit] Toys

There were three toys of Jetstorm, a Deluxe, a larger Ultra version and a tiny McDonalds Happy Meal kids toy. The appearance of the two larger toys does not resemble the TV show character accurately, like many Beast Machines models.

The Jetstorm molds were used in the Universe line as two different characters. The Botcon Exclusive Cyclonus, who appeared in the Transformers: Universe - Wreckers comic series was a repaint of Beast Machines Ultra Jetstorm. Transformers: Universe Skywarp was a repaint of Beast Machines Deluxe Jetstorm.

The Happy Meal version of Jetstorm was released in a variety of colors in Australia in Red Robin's restaurants, including green and red variants.

[edit] Transformers: RiD

Although there was no character name Jetstorm in this series, the mold originally used for Beast Machines Deluxe Jetstorm was recolored into the Autobot Stormjet and the Decepticon Jhiaxus.

[edit] Transformers: Armada (2002)

Transformers character

Mini-Con Jetstorm Box Art
Affiliation Mini-Con
Sub-Group Air Defense Team / Air Assault Team
Function Air Defense
Motto "Affirmative!"
Alternate Modes Jet
Series Transformers: Armada

A member of the Air Defense Team, the Mini-Con Jetstorm (Mach in Japan) combines with his team-mates Runway and Sonar to form the legendary sword, the Star Saber. When they are apart, they are formidable air defense machines used for high-altitude and high-speed missions.

Jetstorm is an easygoing and thoughtful Mini-Com, disguising a deep-rooted hatred of all Decepticons for his imprisonment prior to coming to Earth. He is scared of becoming part of the Dark Saber because of this. His anger often leads him into combat against the far larger Decepticons.

Jetstorm appeared in the Dreamwave Summer Special. Now in command of the Decepticons, Megatron sends Snowcat, Slugslinger and Sharkticon each on missions to steal copies of the plans for Omega Supreme from the Autobot's Ocean City. Snowcat failed when he was confronted by Omega Supreme himself. Sharkticon failed to get in because he tried to sneak in a waste disposal unit and was flushed out. Sharkticon was overpowered by underwater defenders and then tossed out by Kicker and the Mini-Cons Jetstorm, Runway and Sonar. Each of the three made up stories to Megatron as to why they failed. After consideration Megatron decided that Slugslinger's story was the more impressive lie and appoints him as his lieutenant.

[edit] 3H Enterprises

Although no toy named Jetstorm was produced for the Transformers: Universe line, there was one very minor cameo. In the 2003 Botcon voice actor play, Armada Megatron appeared wielding the Dark Saber, of which Armada Jetstorm was a member.

[edit] External Links

Reviews of the Beast Machines toys:

Deluxe Toy Review Gallery

Ultra Toy Review Gallery

Commercial for G2 Jetstorm: