Jesses (falconry)

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Jesses are thin straps, traditionally made from leather, used to tether a hawk or falcon in falconry. The correct singular is jess. They come in various types:-

  • Flying jesses: short jesses designed not to hamper the hawk as it flies or to snag on things as it flies.
  • Mews jesses: long jesses that the hawk wears while it is in a mews or an aviary.
  • Aylmeri

Jesses are generally made from strips of leather as thin as possible, for which purpose kangaroo leather has become increasingly popular over the years, as it is thin, light-weight and extremely durable with proper care. Jess size varies depending on the bird, but the width is proportional to leg-length. Made from a single length of leather, slits are placed strategically along the jess to allow it to be looped around the ankle of the bird so that it fits comfortably but securely about and just above what would be the birds ankle. Another slit is placed in the end through which a special type of swivel so as to prevent the whole arrangement from twisting or tangling about itself or the bird. Their use is primarily intended to allow the falconer to keep control of the bird while it is on the glove or in training, as well as to allow the bird to be perched outside of its aviary without running the risk of it deciding to chase something it shouldn't, and less to keep the bird from getting away, as falconry birds are routinely (and as part of the sport) set free - the bond between bird and falconer serves as a much better leash than any bit of leather or rope ever will; however, it is not always desirible that a bird be able to take flight at its own whim, and both on the glove and on the perch, jesses help ensure this. During hunting season (small game season for falconers), jesses are generally worn all season in the mews, and are often removed for the course of the spring/summer moult, when they are generally re-oiled and serviced as necessary.