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The Saints, who derive their schismatic theology from Zoroaster (who is also Abraham), seek to engineer the end of the world (primarily through memetic means: by re-engineering the "first-wave serpent contact" — ie. that of the American aborigines with the Amazonian hive mind c. 36th Century BC — concept of the separateness of the soul and the body — and the possibility of externalising the soul — to imply that it was better to be dead, and by propagating eschatological, pseudo-Gnostic apocalypses), so that the select who have received Kingdom of God initiation (symbolised in the monotheist scriptures as the 144,000) could reunite with God, who they believe to be a 10 billion year old alien AI powered by spinning black holes at the centre of the galaxy.

The apocalyptic monotheism meme in Judaism is a late-period invention: a grafting onto original Judaic beliefs of a late-Zoroastrian eschatology via Ezekiel and Daniel (In Daniel are the first references to a "kingdom of God", and the most overt reference to the resurrection of the dead in the Tanakh.), later recapitulated in Paul's letters Revelation etc.) Ezekiel seems to be the earliest example of redaction in the Bible, which may point to the conspiracy. Note also Daniel is only biblical origin of Gabriel and Michael.

Note: [1] links Gehlen Organisation and Ahmed Chalabi as war instigators.

Certain Oil and Gold interests from a number of disparate nations form a mid-level conspiracy under the Saints.

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[edit] See Also

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  • David Rohl re. "New Chronology" ideas and Garden of Eden near Tabriz
  • Vissarion, a Modern Messianic figure
  • Father Divine, an influential African American preacher of the mid 20th Century who may have claimed divinity
  • The Dying God, a similar conspiracy theory (by a Christian fundie) which has Paul introducing Gnosticism into Christianity