User:Jeremygbyrne/Live Forever

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Live Forever (also published as So You're Planning To Live Forever) is a 2012 non-fiction book by Sylvia La Some. One of the author's most controversial works, this planning manual for personal godhood has become a talisman not just amongst xianists but also within the broader transhumanist subculture.

[edit] Major Themes

  • The Tainted Mind
"Self-awareness is an overactive storytelling module grabbing the reins."
"Untempered, the mind seeks all of our attention, every scrap of it, for its endless "important things to think about". [...] Ritual and forced relaxation help restore us to blissful oblivion."
  • Living in the Present
"Aesop's Serpent Wisdom has poisoned our culture. His snake never forgets a slight and his self-satisfied ant never enjoys its pointless existence. (A grasshopper typically lives less than three months out of the egg; I say, dance and sing, little green sister!)"

It has been argued that La Some reverses much of her stance towards the nature of mind expressed in Xian and earlier non-fiction, and come to believe "the irrational Serpent Wisdom cosmology of her science fiction".[1] In fact, early posts[2] on La Some's livejournal support biographical claims[3] that her emergent physicality, apparently repressed well into her twenties, bloomed during her relationship with M Y Said.

[edit] See also

[edit] References

  1. ^ "Cult Queen Strikes Again", Burroughs, J., Kirkus Reviews, (06 April, 2012)
  2. ^ I Love My Body!, Bennett, S., (09 January, 2006)
  3. ^ Hooray, Hooray, the Witch is Dead, Marvin K. Givenns, Prime (2022)