Jerzy Urban

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Jerzy Urban, also known as: Jerzy Kibic, Jan Rem, Klakson (born August 3, 1933 in Łódź) born Josek Urbach, is a Jewish born, atheist-Polish journalist, commentator, writer and politician, editor-in-chief of the weekly Nie and owner of the company which owns it, Urma.


[edit] Biography

[edit] Before 1989

Jerzy Urban was reputedly a difficult child, attending 17 different primary and high schools. He completed his senior high school exams as an external student. He studied in two faculties of the University of Warsaw and was expelled from both.

He started his journalistic career with the journal Nowa Wieś.

During 1955-1957, he was a journalist - reporter and commentator - for the weekly Po prostu, which started during the rehabilitation of Władysław Gomułka, who became communist party leader. However, the newspaper was closed by the personal initiative of Gomułka, which symbolised the end of the thaw which started under Gomułka. The newspaper was closed mainly because of the biting, uncompromising opinion articles by Urban. Urban himself was officially banned from publishing under his own name. From 1961, he worked for the weekly Polityka, continuing his opinion pieces under pseudonyms. He was eventually totally forbidden from carrying out any journalistic activities. This ban continued until Gomułka lost power as party leader.

From August 1981 to April 1989, Jerzy Urban was a government spokesperson.

In September 1984, during the month before the murder of the priest Jerzy Popiełuszko, he wrote a column [1] "Seanse nienawiści" (hate session), criticising the priest as an anti-communist Savonarola.

[edit] After 1989

After failing to be elected (as an independent from any political party) in the Sejm election of 1989, Jerzy Urban (as of 2005) gave up attempts to enter formal politics.

[edit] Court case for offence to John-Paul II

In 2002, Urban was charged with offence against a head of state, Pope John Paul II, due to the publication in Nie of the article "Obwoźne sado-maso" (House-to-house sado-masochism); the article was published prior to a pilgrimage to Poland by the pope. Among allegedly offensive terms used by Urban were "sędziwym bożkiem" (old worship idol), "gasnącym starcem" (fading old man) and "Breżniew Watykanu" (Brezhnev of the Vatican). The Youth Forum of the political party PiS and the Media Ethics Council took him to court. In court, Magdalena Bajer, the leader of the Media Ethics Council, testified as a witness that Urban brutally mocked the suffering of a man who was a head of state. The court case was considered a precedent.

Urban pleaded not guilty. During the case he declared: Looking at the papal cult with the eye of an atheist is just as legal as the ecstasy of devotees.

Urban was defended by the International Press Institute in Vienna, expressing its concern that the court case against Urban was a form of censorship, as well as by Reporters Without Borders, who stated: We are perfectly aware that criticising John Paul II is an absolute taboo in Poland, but this should not prevent the authorities from defending legal principles related to freedom of the press in Europe (especially Article 10 of the European Human Rights Convention, relating to freedom of speech).

In turn, a specialist in church law, priest Prof. Florian Lempa stated that Urban's action did not satisfy the definition of the crime, since a head of state is only protected when he is present on Polish territory, and the article was published before the pope arrived in Poland. Moreover, Urban had the right to his point of view, and satire is admissible. He added that the article was aimed at people who try to profit from the pope, rather than at him personally.

The prosecutor asked for a sentence of 10 months' imprisonment suspended over three years and a fine of 20 thousand złoty (about 5000 euros). On January 5, 2005, the court convicted Urban and fined him 20 thousand złoty. The court argued, Jerzy Urban intentionally caused a scandal by publishing an article about John Paul II at the moment when the pope came to Poland. According to the court, the publication was a deliberate, tactical move as well as a measured provocation by Jerzy Urban, since otherwise it would not have caused such a violent (popular) reaction and outrage. The court stressed that permitted criticism does not have to be pleasant, but it cannot be insulting.

After the court verdict, Urban stated that the sentence revealed the clericalisation of justice. He added that he doesn't expect much from going through the appeals process, but he will go to the European Court of Human Rights if necessary.

[edit] External links

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