Jennifer Turner

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Jennifer Turner is the coordinator of the China Environment Forum (CEF) at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars and a senior program associate with the Environmental Change and Security Program. The China Environment Forum (CEF) works to facilitate dialogue among U.S. and Chinese scholars, policymakers, and nongovernmental organizations on environmental and energy challenges in China. Besides putting on meetings and publications focusing on a variety of energy and environmental challenges facing China, she has coordinated several exchange activities in China, the United States, and Japan- bringing together Chinese, U.S., Japanese, and other Asian experts on issues of environmental nongovernmental organizations, environmental journalism, river basin governance, water conflict resolution, and municipal financing of environmental infrastructure. She also serves as editor of the Wilson Center's annual journal, the China Environment Series.

Her most recent publications include a co-authoring (with Kenji Otsuka) of a Wilson Center report: Reaching Across the Water: International Cooperation Promoting Sustainable River Basin Governance in China and a co-authoring (with Lü Zhi)of “Building a Green Civil Society in China” State of the World (2006). Washington, D.C. Worldwatch Institute.

Dr. Turner received her Ph.D. in Public Policy and Comparative Politics from Indiana University, Bloomington, in 1997. Her dissertation examined local government innovation in implementing water policies in the People’s Republic of China. Her current research focuses on environmental civil society and water resources protection issues in China. She holds a bachelor's degree in German and Russian from the University of Illinois.

[edit] Publications

"Small Government, Big (Green?) Society: Emerging Partnerships to Solve China's Environmental Problems," Harvard Asian Quarterly, 2004.

"Beyond the Bureaucracy: Changing China's Policymaking Environment," (coauthored with Eric Zusman) in China's Environmental Challenges, (Editor, Kris Day) (New York: Columbia University Press, forthcoming).

"Cultivating Environmental NGO-Business Partnerships in China," China Business Review, November 2003.

Crouching Suspicion, Hidden Potential: U.S. Environmental and Energy Cooperation with China, co-author, ECSP China Environment Forum (Wilson Center, 2002).

Authority Flowing Downward? Local Government Entrepreneurship in the Chinese Water Sector, Ph.D. Dissertation, (Indiana University, 1997).

"Trickle Down? Administrative and Financial Decentralization in the Water Sector in the PRC" in Groundwater Law: The Growing Debate, ed. Marcus Moench, Gujart, India: VIKSAT-Pacific Institute Collaborative Groundwater Project, 1995 (co-authored with James Nickum).

[edit] Honors

Outstanding Faculty Award, by Psi Kappa Psi, Winthrop University, April 1999; Outstanding Instructor Award, Department of Political Science, Indiana University, February 1997; Indiana University International Programs Exchange Fellowship, for research at Hangzhou University, China; MacArthur Travel Grant, by the Indiana Center on Global Change and World Peace, dissertation research in China 1994-1995; Foreign Language Area Scholarship, by East Asian Studies Center, Indiana University, 1992; MacArthur Travel Grant, by the Indiana Center on Global Change and World Peace, research at the East-West Center, Hawaii, 1993

[edit] External links