Jember Regency

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East Java
Motto: Carya Dharma Praja Mukti
Coordinates: 6°27′29" - 7°14′35" E & 7°59′6" - 8°33′56" S
Capital Jember
Regent Ir. H. MZA. Djalal, Msi
Area 3,293.34 km²
Population (2003) 2,131,289
Time zone WIB (UTC+7)

Jember is a regency (kabupaten) of East Java, Indonesia. The city of Jember is the third largest city in East Java province. Jember is famous for its tobacco farms.


[edit] Geography

Jember has a total area of 3,293.34 km² (329.333,94 Ha). It shares its borders with Lumajang (West), Probolinggo, Bondowoso, Situbondo (North), and Banyuwangi (East). The island of Nusa Barong is located just to the south of the regency.

[edit] Administrative areas

The Regency of Jember consists of 31 subdistricts (Indonesian:Kecamatan):

- Ajung
- Ambulu
- Arjasa
- Balung
- Bangsalsari
- Gumukmas
- Jelbuk
- Jenggawah
- Jombang
- Kalisat
- Kaliwates
- Kencong
- Ledokombo
- Mayang
- Mumbulsari
- Pakusari
- Panti
- Patrang
- Puger
- Rambipuji
- Semboro
- Silo
- Sukorambi
- Sukowono
- Sumberjambe
- Sumberbaru
- Sumbersari
- Tanggul
- Tempurejo
- Umbulsari
- Wuluhan

[edit] Demographics

There are currently 3 million people living in Jember (as of 2003). The population density is about 647.15 people/km².[1]

[edit] Ethnic backgrounds

Jember is one heterogeneous area where many ethnic groups are mingled and live together. Most of its population are Javanese and Madurese people, with a small percentage of ethnic Chinese, Balinese, Arabic and Indian.

[edit] Language

Most citizen speak Javanese language and Madurese language, and sometimes a mixed dialect of both Javanese and Madurese language. Many citizen speak Indonesian for official and business purposes only, and to communicate with non-Javanese or non-Madurese people.

[edit] External Links

Regencies and cities of East Java Coat of arms of East Java
Regencies: Banyuwangi | Bangkalan | Blitar | Bojonegoro | Bondowoso | Gresik | Jember | Jombang | Kediri | Lamongan | Lumajang | Madiun | Magetan | Malang | Mojokerto | Nganjuk | Ngawi | Pacitan | Pamekasan | Pasuruan | Ponorogo | Probolinggo | Sampang | Sidoarjo | Situbondo | Sumenep | Trenggalek | Tuban | Tulungagung
Cities: Batu | Blitar | Kediri | Madiun | Malang | Mojokerto | Probolinggo | Pasuruan | Surabaya