Jean Rochefort

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Jean Rochefort (born 29 April 1930) is a French actor who has appeared in more than 100 movies.

Rochefort was born in Dinan, a town of Côtes-d'Armor, France. He was 19 years old when he entered the Centre d'Art Dramatique de la rue Blanche. Later he joined the Conservatoire National. After his national service, in 1953, he worked with the Compagnie Grenier Hussenot as a theatre actor for seven years. There he was noticed for his ability to play both drama and comedy. He then became a television and cinema actor. He has also worked as director.

In his 30s during the shooting of Cartouche, he discovered his passion for horses and equitation. He has been a horse breeder since then and now owns Le Haras de Villequoy. His passion led him to become a horse consultant for French television in 2004.

In 1960 he married Alexandra Moscwa, with whom he fathered two children: a girl, Marie (1962), and a boy, Julien (1965).

He has won two César Awards: In 1976, Best Supporting Actor for Que la fête commence; and in 1978, Best Actor for Le Crabe-tambour.

He was to play the title character in The Man Who Killed Don Quixote, after being found as "the perfect Quixote" by director Terry Gilliam. Rochefort learned English just for the part. Unfortunately, amongst other production problems, he began suffering from a herniated disc[1]. Unable to film for months, production was cancelled. A documentary, Lost in La Mancha, was made about the failed production. With recent news of the film's possible restart, it is debated whether or not Rochefort will be recast, due to his inability to ride a horse.

[edit] Filmography

French title / English title when available (year)

  • Rencontre à Paris / Meeting in Paris (1956)
  • Une balle dans le canon / A Bullet in the Gun Barrel (1958)
  • Vingt mille lieues sur la terre / 20,000 Leagues Across the Land (1961)
  • Capitaine Fracasse (1961)
  • Cartouche / Swords of Blood (1962)
  • Climats / Climates of Love (1962)
  • Le Soleil dans l'oeil / Sun in Your Eyes (1962)
  • Le Masque de fer / The Iron Mask (1962)
  • Fort-du-fou / Outpost in Indo-china (1963)
  • Symphonie pour un massacre / Symphony for a Massacre (1963)
  • La Porteuse de pain / The Bread Peddler (1963)
  • La Foire aux cancres / The Blockhead Fair (1963)
  • Du grabuge chez les veuves / Trouble Among Widows (1964)
  • Les Pieds nickelés (1964)
  • Angélique, marquise des anges / Angélique(1964)
  • Trouble Among Widows (1964)
  • Merveilleuse Angélique / Angelique: The Road to Versailles (1965)
  • Les Tribulations d'un chinois en Chine / Chinese Adventures in China (1965)
  • Angélique et le roy / Angelique and the King (1966)
  • Qui êtes-vous, Polly Maggoo? / Who Are You, Polly Magoo? (1966)
  • Le Facteur s'en va-t-en guerre / The Postman Goes to War (1966)
  • À coeur joie / Two Weeks in September (1967)
  • Ne jouez pas avec les Martiens / Don't Play with Martians (1967)
  • Le Diable par la queue / The Devil by the Tail (1969)
  • Le Temps de mourir / The Time to Die (1970)
  • La Liberté en croupe (1970)
  • Céleste (1970)
  • Le Grand blond avec une chaussure noire / The Tall Blond Man with One Black Shoe (1972)
  • L'Oeuf / The Egg (1972)
  • Les Feux de la chandeleur / Hearth Fires (1972)
  • L'Héritier / The Inheritor (1973)
  • Bel ordure / Lovely Swine (1973)
  • Le Complot / The Conspiracy (1973)
  • Salut l'artiste / Hail The Artist (1973)
  • L'Homme aux nerfs d'acier / Escape from Death Row (1973)
  • L'Horloger de Saint-Paul / The Clockmaker of St. Paul (1974)
  • Comment réussir... quand on est con et pleurnichard / How to Make Good When One Is a Jerk and a Crybaby (1974)
  • Le fantôme de la liberté / The Phantom of Liberty (1974)
  • Retour du grand blond / The Return of the Tall Blond Man with One Black Shoe (1974)
  • Que la fête commence... / Let Joy Reign Supreme (1974)
  • Les Innocents aux mains sales / Dirty Hands (1975)
  • Un divorce heureux / A Happy Divorce (1975)
  • Isabelle devant le désir / Isabelle and Lust (1975)
  • Les vécés étaient fermés de l'interieur (1976) by Patrice Leconte
  • Calmos / Cool, Calm and Collected (1976)
  • Les Magiciens / Death Rite (1976)
  • Un éléphant ça trompe énormément / An Elephant Can Be Extremely Deceptive (1976)
  • Nous irons tous au paradis / We Will All Meet in Paradise (1977)
  • Le Crabe-tambour / Drummer-Crab (1977)
  • Le Diable dans la boîte / The Devil in the Box (1977)
  • La Grande Cuisine / Who Is Killing the Great Chefs of Europe? (1978)
  • Le Cavaleur / Practice Makes Perfect (1979)
  • Grandison (1979)
  • Courage fuyons / Courage - Let's Run (1979)
  • French Postcards (1979)
  • Chère inconnue (1980)
  • Je hais les blondes / I Hate Blondes (1980)
  • Un étrange voyage (1981)
  • Il faut tuer Birgit Haas / Birgit Haas Must Be Killed (1981)
  • L'Indiscrétion (1982)
  • Le Grand frère / The Big Brother (1982)
  • L'Honneur d'un capitaine / A Captain's Honor (1982)
  • Un dimanche de flic / A Cops' Sunday (1983)
  • L'Ami de Vincent / A Friend of Vincent (1983)
  • Frankenstein 90 (1984)
  • Réveillon chez Bob (1984)
  • David, Thomas et les autres / A Volley for a Black Buffalo (1985)
  • La Galette du roi (1986)
  • Tandem (1987) by Patrice Leconte
  • Le Moustachu / The Field Agent (1987)
  • Je suis le seigneur du château / I'm the King of the Castle (1989)
  • The Hairdresser's Husband (1990) by Patrice Leconte
  • Le Château de ma mère / My Mother's Castle (1990)
  • Amoureux fou / Madly in Love (1991)
  • Le Bal des casse-pieds (1992)
  • Le Visionarium / The Timekeeper(1992)
  • L'Atlantide (1992)
  • Tango (1993) by Patrice Leconte
  • Cible émouvante / Wild Target(1993)
  • Tombés du ciel / Lost in Transit (1993)
  • Et ensuite, le feu / Next Time the Fire (1994)
  • Ready to Wear (Prêt-à-Porter) (1994)
  • Tom est tout seul (1995)
  • Même heure, l'année prochaine / Once a Year, Every Year (1995)
  • Palace (1996)
  • Les Grands ducs (1996) by Patrice Leconte
  • Ridicule (1996) by Patrice Leconte
  • Never Ever (1996)
  • Barracuda (1997)
  • Le Serpent a mangé la grenouille (1998)
  • Le Vent en emporte autant / Wind with the Gone(1998)
  • Rembrandt (1999)
  • Le Placard (2001)
  • Honolulu Baby (2001)
  • La Vie sans secret de Walter Nions (2001)
  • The Man on the Train (2002) by Patrice Leconte
  • Blanche (2002)
  • Lost in La Mancha (2002)
  • Fanfan la tulipe (2003)
  • Il était une fois Jean-Sébastien Bach (2003)
  • Les Clefs de bagnole / The Car Keys (2003)
  • RRRrrrr!!! (2004)
  • Les Dalton / The Daltons (2004)
  • Désaccord parfait (2006)
  • Mr. Bean's Holiday (2007) (filming)

[edit] External links