Jean Hillier

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Jean Hillier
Born May 14, 1953 (age 53)
Kent, England
Residence UK
Nationality British and Australian
Institution Newcastle University

Jean Hillier is Professor of Town and Country Planning at School of Architecture, Planning & Landscape, Newcastle University.


[edit] Research interests

Her main research interest lies in extending the frontiers of planning theories which are praxis-based and in discursive and relational analyses of participatory planning strategies. Other research interests include social exclusion, the impact of planning decisions on women and marginalised groups and discursive environmental planning.

[edit] Research projects

  • Analysis of facilitation of community transformation, economic redevelopment and housing issues in declining areas in England and Poland.
  • Industrial restructuring in the UK.
  • ARC research in the south-west of Western Australia on the social and economic impacts of restructuring in the timber industry
  • Two AHURI projects, on regional disadvantage and strengthening communities respectively.
  • Analysis of the impact of urban renewal of public housing estates on Indigenous households and econometric modelling of risks associated with public sector home ownerhip schemes for economically marginal households.
  • Presently working on KATARSIS

[edit] Prizes and Awards

[edit] Publications

With over 200 publications in her name, following are the more recent works:

[edit] Books

  • with Cryle D. (2005), Consensus and Consent, edited collection, API Network, Perth. ISBN 1-920845-12-7
  • with Rooksby E. (2005), Habitus: A Sense of Place, edited collection, Ashgate, Aldershot (second edition - updated and paperback, ISBN 0-7546-4564-9 (1st edition 2002).
  • (2004) But Tight Jeans are Better! In Lee R. (ed) Geographies and Moralities: International Perspectives on Development, Justice and Place, Blackwell, Oxford: 211-227. ISBN 1-4051-1637-4

[edit] Journal articles

  • with Gunder M. (2005), Not Over Your Dead Bodies! A Lacanian Interpretation of Planning Discourse and Practice, Environment & Planning A, 37(6): 1049-1066
  • with Moulaert. F and Nussbaumer J. (2004) Trois Essais sur le Rôle de l'Innovation Sociale dans le Développement Territorial, in Géographie, Économie, Société, 6(2): 129-152.

[edit] See also