Jean-Pierre Jougla

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Jean-Pierre Jougla
Born: June 1, 1948
France Flag of France
Occupation: Solicitor, Montpellier, France
Professor, University of Lyons
Website: University of Frank-comté

Jean-Pierre Jougla, born June 1, 1948 in France, is a French attorney and anti-cult advocate.


[edit] Career

Jougla is a Solicitor with the Court of Appeal in Montpellier, France. He is the Administrator of the Association of Defense of Victims of Sects UNADFI, founder of the department of "victimology related to the sectarian harmful effect"[1] at the University of Lyon, and a member of l’INAVEM, the "National Institute of Assistance to the Victims and Mediation". Jougla wrote the preface to the book Les Sectes, 2004, which teaches the reader how to recognize cults, deal with them, and aid their victims.

[edit] Professor, academician

[edit] University of Lyons

Jougla is a Professor at the University of Lyons in France. He teaches a course entitled "Victimology in Connection with Cultic Damages", at the Medical School of Université Claude Bernard[2].

[edit] University of Versailles-Saint-Quentin

Jougla also coordinates a course entitled "Cultic Domination and Influence", as of the academic year 2005 through 2006,
at the University of Versailles-Saint-Quentin. [3].

[edit] Other

Host/Moderator Elise Lucet discussing Landmark Education jargon with Jean-Pierre Jougla, in Pieces a Conviction documentary Voyage au Pays des Nouveaux Gourous.
Elise Lucet discussing Landmark Education jargon with Jean-Pierre Jougla,
in Pieces a Conviction documentary
Voyage au Pays des Nouveaux Gourous.

On May 24, 2004, Jougla appeared as commentator on the Pieces a Conviction France 3 investigative journalism newsprogram. The film in question, Voyage au Pays des Nouveaux Gourous, focused on Landmark Education's actions in Paris, France.

[edit] Publications

[edit] References

  1. ^ bio, Jean-Pierre Jougla, University of Frank-comte
  2. ^ University of Lyon Offers Post-Graduate Courses in Anti-Cultism, CESNUR: Center for Studies on New Religions, University of Lyon, Jean-Pierre Jougla, Professor, "Victimology in Connection with Cultic Damages"., June 2003 (English)
  3. ^ New Degree Program at French University, "Cultic Domination and Influence", Academic Year 2005 – 2006., UFR médicale Paris Ile-de-France Ouest. Bureau des D.U. et D.I.U.

[edit] External links

[edit] See also

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