Jean-Marie Souriau

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Jean-Marie Souriau is a mathematician, known for works in symplectic geometry, in which he is one of the pioneers. He has published several works, a treatise on relativity [Sou64b] and a treatise on mechanics: [Sou70]. He has developed the symplectic aspects of classical and quantum mechanics. His work includes the first geometric interpretation of spin, and many important concepts, such as: the coadjoint action of a group on its moment space, the moment map, prequantization (geometric quantization), the classification of the homogeneous symplectic manifolds, diffeological spaces and many others.

[edit] Bibliography

[Sou64a] J.-M. Souriau, Calcul linéaire, P.U.F., Paris, 1964.

[Sou64b] J.-M. Souriau, Géométrie et relativité, Hermann, 1964.

[Sou70] J.-M. Souriau, Structure des systèmes dynamiques, Dunod, Paris, 1970.

[Sou97] J.-M. Souriau, Structure of Dynamical Systems, Birkhäuser, Boston, 1997.

[edit] External links

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