Jean-Gérard Roux

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Jean-Gérard de la Passion Antoine Laurent Charles Roux (born in Nice, 1951) is a bishop resident in La Ferte Gaucher, France.

Msgr. Roux was ordained a priest by a Bishop Girard on May 20, 1977. Episcopal consecration Archbishop Ngo Dinh Thuc, April 1982 at Loano, Italy.

[edit] Controversy

Roux alleges that he was consecrated by Archbishop Thuc on April 18, 1982. However, it is reported that he was consecrated earlier and later by other vagant bishops. There remains a cloud of doubt concerning the circumstances of Roux's ordination and consecration. As a vagus who is known for having been engaged in other ways of fraudulently asserting titles and honours, Roux should be considered as not consecrated, especially given the reports under oath, that Thuc was not with Roux on the date given by Roux as his supposed consecration. Archbishop Thuc was with the Heller family in Munich on the given date (April 18) and therefore could not have consecrated a man on the very same day in Nice.[1] However Ms Louise Littieri, a resident of Loano (Italy), declares that she witnessed the episcopal consecration of Jean Gerard Roux (ordained a priest, Nice, 1977?) and Luigi Boni (ordained a priest in 1950, Vatican City) conferred in a chapel in the same Italian town.[2] Another testimony by the Trappist Monk and Priest Fr. Aereld O.C.S.O. also says, that Roux was indeed ordained by Thuc.[3] It is noteworthy though, that the source where these testimonies in favour of the reality of Roux's consecration are to be found[4], It might even indicate that they were made up by one and the same person. Ascertaining the reality of the consecration of Roux can only be done by inquiring with the Roman Catholic Diocesan Bishop of Dignes (France), Bishop Edmond-Marie-Henri Abelé[5], to whom the testimony of Fr. Aereld refers.

Episcopal Lineage
Consecrated by: Ngo Dinh Thuc Pierre Martin
Date of consecration: April 18, 1982
Consecrator of
Bishop Date of consecration
Thomas Fouhy October 27, 1993
Michael French April 4, 1994
Xavier Alain André du Rosaire May 22, 1994
Augustinus Pohl-Dungen October 25, 1994

Roux also conditionally re-consecrated Alfred Seiwert-Fleige on April 8, 1995 who was formerly a bishop of the. Seiwert-Fleige later on, in 2001, reconciled with Pope John Paul II.

[edit] References

  1. ^ Einsicht - Röm.-Kath. Zeitschrift, Dr. E. Heller, December 1993, page 95. "Da sich der Erzbischof, den ich am 29. Januar 1982 in Nizza mit dem Flugzeug abgeholt hatte, zu diesem Zeitpunkt in München befand- er flog erst am 1. Mai 1982 wieder von München nach Nizza (Abflug: 15 Uhr 35, Ankunft: 17 Uhr 05), wo er von Herrn Norrant mit dem Auto abgeholt wurde -, kann eine Weihe zu diesem Zeitpunkt nicht erfolgt sein."
    "An episcopal consecration on April 18, 1982 cannot have taken place in Loano, as the Archbishop Thuc, whom I had taken with me from Nice on January 29, 1982, by plane, at that date was with me and my family in Munich - he would fly back to Nice only on May 1, 1982 (Departure 3.35 pm), where he was picked up by Mr Norrant by car. Testimony of Dr. Eberhard Heller, Munich, Germany.
  2. ^ Personal testimony by Madame Louise Littieri: "Je ne sais écrire en Anglais, je suis italienne, si vous voulez mon adresse, je puis vous la donner et puis témoigner de ce que j'ai vu.. le 18 septembre 1982 à Loano Italie et avec d'autres personnes je jure d'avoir assistée au sacre épiscopal de Mgr Roux et de Mgr Boni, à la chapelle qu'ils avaient à Loano. D'ailleur Mgr Thuc était à la Pensione Millone de la Via Aurelia à Loano, vous pouvez demander à la questura de Savona puisque il y avait un régistre des personnes vivant à l'hotel. (j'étais femme de ménage dans cette pension). Louise Littieri."
  3. ^ "J'ai connu Mgr Roux en 1970 durant son service militaire..., j'ai été son père spirituel, j'ai été présent pour son ordination en 1977, et attristé de son sacre fait par Mgr Thuc à Loano en 1982, j'ai été chargé par Don Marie Bernard de Terris, de récupérer Gérard (Mgr Roux, j'ai quitté mon abbaye avec la permission de mon Abbé Dom René, j'ai fait avec le Père Daumas et Mgr Abelé en 1985, toutes les démarches pour que Mgr Roux soit relevés de son excommunication, de début février 1985 au 20 décembre 1985, j'étais avec lui, soit à Ganagobie, soit à Digne ou à Antibes... Puis il a voulu retourner vers la tradition... Mais je puis attester qu'il a été ordonné au titre d'une congrégation catholique et non vacant (Fraternité de la Charité) à Nice et qu'il a été sacré pour Mgr P.M. Ngo-Dinh-Thuc, chose qui m'a fait beaucoup de peine. Je ne sais pas commen,t il a pu etre ordonné par laborie ou autre, lorsqu'il était avec moi... Et je n'aurais rien vu ni su???? P. Aereld. o.c.s.o." Retrieved from ""
    "I have come to know Mgr Roux in 1970 during his service in the military [as a soldier]. I used to be his spiritual father. I have been present with his ordination to the priesthood in 1977, and I was highly saddened by his episcopal consecration conferred by Archbishop Thuc in Loano in 1982. I have been charged by Dom Marie Bernard de Terris to reintegrate Gerard Roux. (I had left my abbey with the permission of my Abbot Dom Rene. I have made with Fr. Daumas and Msgr Abelé, Roman catholic bishop of Digne [1], all the efforts to get Msgr. Roux's excommunication lifted [in Rome], beginning from February 1985 until 20 December 1985 I have been with him, be it in Ganagobie, Digne or Antibes. After that he wanted to return to the Traditionalists [Fr. Aereld is not a traditionalist Catholic, editor]. But I can attest that he was ordained for a Catholic non-sedevacantist congregation (Fraternite de la Charite) in Nice and that he has been consecrated by Most Rev. Ngo Dinh Thuc, something which hurt me deeply. I do not know how he could have been ordained by Laborie or some other bishop, during the time he was with me, when I have not seen or known this. Fr. Aereld o.c.s.o."
  4. ^
  5. ^