
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

[edit] About me

jds is Jared Smith. I took Wikipedia seriously for the first time after hearing Bruce Perens describe it in careful detail during an interview on public radio. I work as a programmer in a small custom software shop in Kansas City, Missouri. I am also an open source programmer, excited by such open-minded work as Wikipedia, SourceForge, Advogato, Google (not open source, but open minded), and the Free Software Foundation.

I manage a few small projects on SourceForge, and use the Internet deeply, since I program mostly in PHP and DHTML.

After visiting Wikipedia many times, and finding it to be a surprisingly reliable source of information, I began contributing when I stumbled upon a link to the small church I attend, which had a factual error and a typo. I fixed them, and added a lot more information, because the church has a peculiar history.

[edit] Neutrality

Originally trained as a journalist, I strive to be neutral in writing, because I think it is important that Wikipedia have high credibility in this area. It is created by enthusiasts who have a natural bias, but it is self-correcting because other enthusiasts can refine the text from different perspectives, all of this in a more efficient manner than the hierarchical, committee approach which typifies other encyclopedias.