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[edit] James Bourne

James Bourne
Image:James Bourne 1.jpg
Like a more well known James Bourne pictured above, they share similarities in the fact that they, indeed, are both famous, devilishly good looking (according to Brendan) and have various fansites dedicated specifically to them.
Background information

James William 'Burn' Bourne (23/9/1990 - ) (insert bold and original statement here, Brendan Stacey- possibly something wittier than 'is a gay loser', and certainly less homosexual, like 'the sexiest man alive')

On the 11th of October 2006 an anonymous user who can only be tracked by their IP address was "bored shitless" and decided to write this comment. The above comment is, according to highly ranked anaylists, the most useful piece of information ever added to this page.

This poorly thought out and even more poorly executed comedic personality profile related article is a stub. Brendan, you can help wikipedia by not writing completely un-original and irrelevant remarks, or simply agree to destroy this abomination of an article, which used to be rather amusing (keyword there is 'used').

PS There is a really great article on the creator of this seemingly crappy article by following this simple link below.


PPS Warmest regards, James Bourne