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[[[User:Jaydotbenz|Jaydotbenz]] 15:35, 26 September 2006 (UTC[)Jay-Focus]] was the 106[freestyle friday] champion from 9-7-2006 to 9-21-2006. During his short lived experience he was look at as a future freestyle [hall of fame] champ by his first week on the show. He was called in to battle lotta-zay of long branch [new jersey]. [[[Lottazay]- was going for his 5th win and jay took him out. And it wasnt the fact of jay taking out zay but how he did it. his fierce punchlines and strong delivery was too much for zay who in the first round ended up choking due to being shocked by what he was up against. In week 2 jay was esablished as an animal and took out another rapper from new jersey by the name of ham.Week 3 was a little different. Jay went against a guy by the name of budda from N.O..Budda ended up playin the [hurricane katrina] sad song to gain the crowds pity and it was slightly given to him. Budda came on with a strong delivery but his metophors were over matched by jay's. After his first round verse budda gave one of the judges a pound which seemed to be weird because that doesnt normally happen with mc and judges. Unless they are aquainted. In the end after a very strong finishing verse from jay the end result was a unanimous decision in buddas favor.