Jason Harris (musician)

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Jason Harris is a British bass guitar player nicknamed Moose. He was recruited at age 17 by New Model Army to replace their original bass player Stuart Morrow ca. 1985-1986.

He contributed to New Model Army's milestone albums, The Ghost Of Cain from 1986 and Thunder & Consolation from 1989, before leaving. By 1990 he had been replaced by Nelson.

In 1993 he joined up with seminal punk/goth rock band, The Damned. He left again in 1996 having done the Not of This Earth album with them in 1995. He was replaced by ex-Gun Club and ex-Sisters of Mercy member, Patricia Morrison.

He is currently the bass player in Pantswith former / Lurkers drummer Dan Tozer...and a couple of other idiots called Fal and Ollie (sic)