Japanese mathematics

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Japanese mathematics or wasan (和算) denotes a genuine kind of mathematics developed in Japan during the Edo Period (1603-1867) when the country was isolated from western influences. At the beginning of the Meiji era (1868-1912) the country opened up to the west and adopted western mathematics which led to a decline of the ideas used in the wasan.

Its achievements included some very refined results in integral calculus.

[edit] Important wasan mathematicians

  • Kambei Mori - developed arithmetical methods for the soroban (Japanese abacus)
  • Yoshida Koyu
  • Seki Kowa - enri (circle principle), which represents a crude form of integral calculus
  • Takebe Kenko
  • Matsunaga Ryohitsu
  • Kurushima Yoshita
  • Arima Raido
  • Ajima Chokuyen
  • Aida Ammei
  • Sakabe Kohan
  • Hasegawa Ken
  • Wada Nei
  • Shiraishi Chochu
  • Koide Shuki
  • Omura Isshu

[edit] See also

  • Idai, the custom of adding very hard problems at the end of wasan books
  • Sangaku, the custom of presenting mathematical problems, carved in wood tablets, to the public in shinto shrines
  • Soroban (算盤), a Japanese abacus

[edit] References

  • David E. Smith, Yoshio Mikami. A History of Japanese Mathematics. Dover. ISBN 0-486-43482-6.

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