Japanese attempt on Nauru (1942)

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The "Japanese Attempt of Nauru and Ocean occupation" was about refer about why how one certain response at loss of Battle of Coral Sea,the Japanese operative Commander-in-Chief Shigeyoshi Inouye,still ordered the general retireing, poses intentions of following how stayed in plans of Operation Mo the occupation of Nauru and Ocean islands originally intended how annex action for taken Phospate sources and secondary bases for operations against Australians.

In May 10,the Landing Task Force of Rear Admiral Shima,departed from Rabaul with these finish, but at next day the American submarine S.42 can to intercepted these convoy, when sinking the minesweeper Okinoshima.such loss along the announced of recon planes of new American force at 600 km at East of Salomon Islands,decided to Admiral Inouye to stopped the operation and order the transports to navigate at Truk bases.