
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


[edit] Welcome

Hello, my name is Jan, which is a Slovak version of John, and i live in a village of Lozorno, close to Bratislava, Slovakia. I study Computer Science at FIIT in Bratislava. Apart of my hobbies and interests listed below, i'm a huge fan of Umberto Eco, having read all of his novels and great many of his essays. My favorite Wikipedia article is Slovak exonyms, to which i'm the single biggest contributor, i daresay.

[edit] Hard Facts

sk Tento redaktor má slovenčinu ako materinský jazyk.
cs-4 Tento uživatel má znalosti
českého jazyka srovnatelné
s rodilým mluvčím.
en-3 This user is able to contribute with an advanced level of English.
de-2 Dieser Benutzer hat fortgeschrittene Deutschkenntnisse.
it-1 Questo utente può contribuire con un livello semplice di italiano.
he-0 משתמש זה אינו מבין עברית (או מבין אותה בקשיים ניכרים).
Search user languages
Computer Use
This user contributes using Linux.
O This user contributes using Opera.
This user contributes using Vim.
Gaim This user uses Gaim to chat on AIM, IRC, and other networks.
G This user uses Google as a primary search engine.
This user uses Gmail as a primary email service.
This user uses Azureus.
Language Use
mankind This user supports the use of gender-neutral language.
…in. Ending a sentence with a preposition is something this user is okay with.
. The This user does not put two spaces after a full stop.
they This user considers singular they standard English usage.
A, B and C This user prefers not to use the serial comma.
!? This user is a punctuation stickler.
This user has a near complete understanding of the Cyrillic alphabet.
C This user can program in C.
Java This user can program in Java.
pas This user can program in Pascal.
asm This user can program in assembly language.
<html> This user can write HTML.
re This user is a regular expression programmer.
tcsh This user is a tcsh scripter.
This user can typeset using LATEX.
Eating & Drinking
This user is an omnivore.
This user loves to eat pizza.
This user enjoys muffins.
This user loves pasta.
This user eats spinach.
This user drinks green tea.
Image:Glass of wine.png This user drinks wine.
This user drinks beer.
This user is male.
This user comes from Slovakia.
This user is a Christian
This user believes that the death penalty should never be used.*
This user believes a marriage consists only of one man and one woman.
PL This user is pro-life.
This user supports gender equality.
This user is a university student.

Miscellaneous cont'd
This user is a railfan.
This user believes it is every citizen's duty to vote.
This user is interested in maps.
This user does not smoke.
This user is addicted to traveling.
This user is a member of the worldwide family of Scouts.
Narnia This user loves the The Chronicles of Narnia.
This user is opposed to drugs and any kind of legalization of them.
Miscellaneous cont'd 2
This user plays mahjong.
This user is interested in
ancient Israel.
SI This user uses the metric system and loves it.
This user's deviation is standard
This user just LOVES to cycle!
This user is mixed-handed.
This user rejects any violence towards women.
This user remembers using
a rotary dial telephone.
This user thinks that registration should be required to edit articles.
Quality, not quantity. This user believes that a user's edit count does not necessarily reflect on the value of their contributions to Wikipedia.
☹ This user feels that deletions subject to a popularity contest rather than a verifiability test damage Wikipedia more than any userbox ever could.
This alleged user can be said to maintain a policy or other custom of neutrality or other ambiguity-related quality on some or all issues that may be potentially controversial to some alleged people.

[edit] Travel Log

[edit] Home:

[edit] Countries I've been to:

[edit] Countries I'd love to see: