Janusz Korwin-Mikke

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Janusz Korwin-Mikke
Janusz Korwin-Mikke
During president's campaign in 2000
During president's campaign in 2000

Janusz Korwin-Mikke (born October 27, 1942 in Warsaw, Poland) is a Polish liberal conservative political commentator and politician.

Student of Faculty of Mathematics and (simultaneously) Faculty of Philosophy Warsaw University. In 1965 detainee, while studying psychology, law and sociology. In 1968 he was again arrested and relegated from university in connection with his participation in students' protests. He passed master's examination without attending a course (philosophy).

In years 1969-74 he was a research worker, in the first place in Institute of Motor Transport (Instytut Transportu Samochodowego), next in Warsaw University. Political commentator. In 1978 he established "Liberal Publishing House" („Oficyna Liberałów”) – underground publishing house.

In years 1962 - 82 he was a member of the Democratic Party (Stronnictwo Demokratyczne). He participated in strike of shipyard worker's from Szczecin in August 1980, and next he was an adviser of NSZZ Rzemieślników Indywidualnych „Solidarność”(Independent Craftsmen's Union). During martial law he was interned. In 1987 he became a chairman of Ruch Polityki Realnej(Real Politics Movement), which in 1989 changed its name to Unia Polityki Realnej (UPR)(Real Politics Union). In 1990 he established a new weekly „Najwyższy Czas!” ("The Time is Now!"). He was in Komitet Obywatelski (Civic Committee) by Lech Wałęsa.

Korwin-Mikke was a Member of Parliament during the first term of Sejm (Polish Parliament) of Third Republic of Poland. Originator of the vetting resolution. He was a candidate for the UPR in the Polish presidential election of 1995, obtaining 2.4% of the vote. He was also candidate in 2000 when he got 1.43% of the vote. In senate by-election in Wrocław in April 2004 he got 18 % votes, but had not become a senator. In the presidential elections of 2005 he obtained 1.4% of the vote.

Janusz Korwin-Mikke's economical views are radically liberal, in the classical sense of the word; in the U.S. his views would be best described as libertarian. He frequently refers to such figures as Adam Smith, Milton Friedman or Ayn Rand.

Politically, he is an advocate of monarchy, known for his disdain towards democracy. A member of Klub Zachowawczo-Monarchistyczny (Conservative-Monarchist Club).

He is considered to be eccentric. For instance, he protested against high taxes in Poland by eating his tax return with Polish musician Krzysztof Skiba in front of department of taxes. He also sung on Skibas album Wąchole in song Podatki (Taxes).

Janusz Korwin-Mikke has been a national champion in bridge, and a member of the national team. He is also a skilled chess player.

[edit] Publications

  • Naprawić Polskę? No problem! (Fix Poland? No problem!) 2004
  • Podatki - Czyli rzecz o grabieży (Taxes - about robbery) 2004
  • Dekadencja (Decadence) 2002
  • Ekonomikka (Economikks) 2001
  • Rok 2007 (Year 2007) 2001
  • Niebezpieczne ubezpieczenia (Dangerous insurances) 2000
  • Vademecum ojca (Fathers vademecum) 1997
  • Wizja parlamentu w nowej konstytucji Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej (Vision of parlament in new Polish constitution) 1994
  • Prowokacja? (Provocation?) 1991
  • "Rząd rżnie głupa" - czyli mowy sejmowe (Government playing dumb – Parliament speeches) 1993
  • Nie tylko o Żydach (Not Only About Jews) 1991
  • Ratujmy państwo (Let Us Save the State) 1990
  • Bez impasu (Without impasse)

[edit] External link

          Chairmans of Unia Polityki Realnej UPR
Janusz Korwin-Mikke   • Stanisław Michalkiewicz   • Stanisław Wojtera  • Jacek Boroń   • Wojciech Popiela

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