Janko Prunk

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Prof. Dr. Janko Prunk
Prof. Dr. Janko Prunk

Janko Prunk (born December 30, 1942) in Loka pri Zidanem mostu is a Slovenian historian for modern history. He graduated in 1966, and he wrote his Master degree in 1972. In 1976 He wrote his Doctoral degree on Philosophical Faculty in Ljubljana (Slovenia) with thesis "Pot krščanskih socialistov v Osvobodilno fronto slovenskega naroda" (English translation: Way of christian socialists into liberation front of the Slovenian nation). He was studying in Germany in Leipzig in year 1969 and in Mainz in 1973. In the years 1984/1985 and 1988/1989 he had a scholarship of Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, he was studying in Cologne and Freiburg. In the year 1994/1995 he was a researcher on University of Freiburg. Since 1966 until 1995 he was working at Institute for modern history in Ljubljana. In 1988 he was appointed as scientific councillor. In years 1975-1979 he was teaching history on Pedagogic faculty in Ljubljana. In year 1978 he was appointed for docent in 1988 for regular professor on faculty of social sciences, where he is employed. He gives lectures on analitical politology, about subjects like modern history, creation of modern world, history of European ideas, history of social and political thinking in Slovenia. He deals with history of political movements from the end of 19th century until 1941, specially with Slovene Christian socialism and the history of Slovenian nationality questions. He is a member of Institute for European History in Mainz and senior fellow of the Center for European Integration Studies in Bonn. He is a member of the Slovene democratic party. He lives in Ljubljana, Slovenia with his wife Mojca Prunk and has a son.


[edit] Functions

  • 1992 Minister for Slovenians abroad and Nationalities in Slovenia (Slovenian Government)[1]
  • 2004 President of the University scientific forum (UZF)[2]
  • 2005 Representative for Faculty of social sciences
  • 2005 President of the commission for social sciences, business law and law[3]
  • 2005 Representative of the Red cross for region Ljubljana[4]
  • 2005 President of the Slovene-Croatian History commission[5]

[edit] Radio & TV Appearance

  • 16.3.2006 TV Slovenia 1 - Sveto in svet (Bog je Ljubezen)
  • 30.4.2006 POP TV - TV Klub
  • 25.6.2006 SLO 1 - TV Dnevnik
  • 30.6.2006 POP TV article Bela knjiga je koristna

[edit] Articles in Journals

  • 5.3.2005 Delo ISSN 0350-7521 (Volume 47, Number 53, Page 12-13)
    • Katera vlada je prva vlada
  • 14.5.2005 Delo ISSN 0350-7521 (Volume 47, Number 110, Page 5)
    • Umirimo že enkrat bolne politične strasti
  • 15.6.2005 Mag ISSN 1318-6043 (Volume 11, Number 24, Page 17)
    • Proučili bomo upravičenost stereotipov
  • 18.3.2006 Delo ISSN 0350-7521 (Volume 48, Number 64)
    • Sobotna priloga ISSN 1580-3007 (Page 29-30)
  • 4.2006 Ampak ISSN 1580-304X (Volume 7, Number 4, Page 4-5)
    • Slovenska pomlad 2006

[edit] Books

Janko Prunk has written over 350 specialized articles and several books. The link of his total articles can be found at COBISS.

Personal bibliography for a period 2000 - 2006 on COBISS

Some of his important books include:

1972 - Slovenski krščanski socialisti v času šestojanuarske diktature 1929-1934
  • English translation: Slovene Christian socialists in the time of sixth January dictature in years 1929-1934
  • Master Degree work (M. Sc.)
  • Monographic publication - 114 pages
  • COBISS.SI-ID 18696290
1976 - Pot krščanskih socialistov v Osvobodilno fronto slovenskega naroda
  • English translation: Way of Christian socialists in the Slovene Liberation Front
  • Doctoral Degree work (Ph. D.)
  • Monographic publication - 239 pages
  • Published by: Cankarjeva založba
  • COBISS.SI-ID 12468224
1980 - Zgodovina 2
1986 - Slovenski narodni programi :narodni programi v slovenski politični misli od 1848-1945
  • English translation: Slovene national programs :national programs in Slovene political thoughts 1848-1945
  • Specialized monography - 248 pages
  • Published by: Društvo 2000
  • COBISS.SI-ID 17277185
1992 - Slovenski narodni vzpon
1993 - 20. stoletje - zgodovina za 8. razred osnovne šole
1994 - Vodnik po slovenskih vinorodnih okoliših
1996 - A brief history of Slovenia
  • Historical background of the republic of Slovenia
  • Book - 170 pages
  • Published by: Založba Grad (available for purchase)
  • Written in Slovene, also translated into English, German and Finnish
  • 2nd revised edition in 2000, 3rd revised edition in 2006
  • COBISS.SI-ID 59839488
  • ISBN 961-90119-2-9
2005 - Kratka svetovna zgodovina za mlade bralce
  • English translation: A short world history for younger readers
  • Author: Ernst Gombrich
  • Translated into Slovenian by Janko Prunk
  • Book - 275 pages
  • Published by: Založba Grad (available for purchase)
  • Second edition
  • COBISS.SI-ID 221868288
  • ISBN 961-90119-8-8
2005 - Žrtve vojne in revolucije
2005 - Parlamentarna izkušnja Slovencev
2005 - Facts about Slovenia (chapter about history)
2006 - Parlamentarna izkušnja Slovencev 1848 - 2004
  • English translation Parliament experience of Slovenians
  • Second revised edition
  • Other authors: Dr. Cirila Toplak and Marjeta Hočevar
  • Book - 350 pages
  • Published by: Faculty for social sciences (available for purchase)
  • COBISS.SI-ID 230282496
  • ISBN 961-235-256-9
  • ISBN-13 978-961-235-256-1

[edit] External links

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