Talk:James Yee

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  1. 奉至仁至慈的真主之名
  2. 一切贊頌,全歸真主,全世界的主,
  3. 至仁至慈的主,
  4. 報應日的主。
  5. 我們只崇拜你,只求你祐助,
  6. 求你引導我們上正路,
  7. 你所祐助者的路,不是受譴怒者的路,也不是迷誤者的路

古 蘭 經 第 一 零 四 章 誹 謗 者 ( 胡 買 宰 ) 這章是麥加的 ,全章共計九節。


  1. 傷哉!每個誹謗者 ,詆毀者 ,
  2. 他聚積財產 ,而當作武器 ,
  3. 他以為他的財產 ,能使他不滅。
  4. 絕不然 ,他必定要被投在毀滅坑中。
  5. 你怎能知道毀滅坑是什麼?
  6. 是真主的燃著的烈活。
  7. 能升到人的心上。
  8. 他們必定要被關在烈火中 ,
  9. 吊在許多很高的柱子上。 

古 蘭 經 第 一 零 九 章 不 信 道 的 人 們 ( 卡 斐 倫 ) 這章是麥加的 ,全章共計六節。


  1. 你說:"不信道的人們啊!
  2. 我不崇拜你們所崇拜的 ,
  3. 你們也不崇拜我所崇拜的 ;
  4. 我不會崇拜你們所崇拜的 ,
  5. 你們也不會崇拜我所崇拜的 ;
  6. 你們有你們的報應 ,我也有我的報應。" 

古 蘭 經 第 一 一 零 章 援 助 ( 奈 斯 爾 ) 這章是麥地那的 , 全章共計三節。


  1. 當真主的援助和勝利降臨 ,
  2. 而你看見眾人成群結隊地崇奉真主的宗教時 ,
  3. 你應當贊頌你的主超絕萬物 ,并且向他求饒 ,他確是至宥的。 

古 蘭 經 第 一 一 一 章 火 焰 ( 賴 海 撲 ) 這章是麥加的 ,全章共計五節。


  1. 願焰父兩手受傷!他必定受傷 ,
  2. 他的財產 ,和他所獲得的 ,將無裨于他 ,
  3. 他將入有焰的烈火 ,
  4. 他的擔柴的妻子 ,也將入烈火 ,
  5. 她的頸上繫著一條堅實的繩子。 

古 蘭 經 第 一 一 三 章 曙 光 ( 法 賴 格 ) 這章是麥加的 ,全章共計五節。


  1. 你說:我求庇于曙光的主 ,
  2. 免遭他所創造者的毒害 ;
  3. 免遭黑夜籠罩時的毒害 ;
  4. 免遭吹破堅決的主意者的毒害 ;
  5. 免遭嫉妒時的毒害。 

古 蘭 經 第 一 一 四 章 世 人 ( 拿 斯 ) 這章是麥加的 ,全章共計六節。


  1. 你說 :我求庇于世人的主宰 ,
  2. 世人的君王 ,
  3. 世人的神明 ,
  4. 免遭潛伏的教唆者的毒害 ,
  5. 他在世人的胸中教唆 ,
  6. 他是屬于精靈和人類的。 

Anyone know what the difference is in this context between "spying" and "espionage"? - Hephaestos 06:49, 21 Sep 2003 (UTC)

It struck me as well. I'm hoping it will be explained by some cable-TV commentator: it's certain to be arcane and legalistic! -- Someone else 07:06, 21 Sep 2003 (UTC)~
Hmm... the Washington Times says he is of "Chinese-American descent", but Korean characters are being used for his name in our article. Is that usual? -- Someone else 07:10, 21 Sep 2003 (UTC)
Korean characters?? I see Chinese characters in the article. -- J3ff 07:45, 26 Sep 2004 (UTC)

The man has been exonerated, someone should update the article.

What makes someone a Muslim-American? I haven't seen anyone described as Christian-American or Jewish-American or whatever here.

I spotted a contradiction in the article. The top section states that Yee went to Syria for religious training. A lower section states that he was stopped at the Canadian border in July 2006 and it was his first trip abroad.

[edit] Chinese Name

I am just curious--what is the deal with the Chinese name listed on the page? Chaplain Yee is a third-generation American with an English first name; does he also have a Chinese given name? Do those characters mean "Yee," or do they include "James"? I am just curious why it was added. After all, Michael Dukakis, who is a first-generation American, does not have his name rendered in Greek letters. --Max power 14:13, 3 October 2006 (UTC)

The Chinese character for "Yee" (his family name, also pronounced "Yu" depending on the Chinese dialect) is listed, but his given name in Chinese does not translate into "James". Some Chinese Americans have both an "English" name and a "Chinese" name - the English name is a concession to Americanization and inability of most non-Chinese to correctly pronounce Chinese names, while a Chinese name is given as a matter of tradition and maintaining cultural heritage - Chinese names are often selected from names of famous historical figures, references to poetry/literature, or even order of birth. Sometimes a Chinese name indicates the generation within the family, as all the children born in a certain generation will carry a common Chinese character in their names... it's somewhat analogous to a family giving all their children names that begin with the letter "J" like John, Jenny, and James. See the Chinese surname article for more info --Gar2chan 11:06, 8 October 2006 (UTC)
The point is whereas Dukakis's name can be "rendered" in "letters" whether in Greek or in English, Yee's Chinese name cannot, because the Chinese language doesn't operate on a letter system. Yee's Chinese given name has no relationship, phonetic or semantic, to his English given name.