Jamshid Momtaz

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Djamchid Momtaz
Djamchid Momtaz

Jamshid (or Djamchid) Momtaz [1] [2]Born in Izmir in 1942 is Professor of International law at the University of Tehran [3].

He is PhD (Doctorat d'Etat) in Public Law, from the Paris University of Law, Economics and Social Sciences (1971).

Director of the Center for International Studies of the University of Tehran (1979-1982).

Member of International Law Commission of the United Nations from 2000 to 2006 and Chairman of the Commission at it's 57th session (2005-2006) [4].

Member, International Committee of Red Cross (ICRC) Group of International Adviser[5].

Member, Curatorium of the Hague Academy of of International Law[6].

Member, Board of Editors of the Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law (T.M.C. Asser Institute, Netherlands)[7].

Member of the Steering Committee for the International Committee of Red Cross (ICRC), Study on International Customary Law (1996-2004).

Member of the Commission for the Settlement of Disputes Related to Confidentiality, Organization for the Prohibition of of ChemicalWeapons (OPCW)[8], 1994-2004.

He is visiting Professor at the University of Paris I (Panthéon Sorbonne)[9].

[edit] Publications

  • Le droit international humanitaire applicable aux conflits armés non internationaux, Collected Courses of the Hague Academy of International Law, Tome 292, 2001, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, The Hague/Boston/London 2002.
  • Les actions au cours d'un conflit armé, in studi di Diritto Internazionale in Onore di Gaetano Arangio Ruiz, Editoriale Scientifica, 2004
  • Le recours à l'arme nucléaire et la protection de l'environnement : l'apport de la Cour internationalede Justice, In International Law, the International Court of Justice and Nuclear Weapons, Laurence Boisson de Chazournes and Philippe Sands (Editors), Cambridge University Press 1999.
  • Did the Court Miss an Opportunity to Denounce the Erosion of the Principle Prohibiting the Use of Force ? Symposium Reflections on the ICJ's Oil Platforms Decisions, Yale Journal of International Law, Vol. 29, Number 29, Summer 2004.


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