James Petras

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James Petras at an Axis for Peace event
James Petras at an Axis for Peace event

James Petras, a retired Bartle Professor (Emeritus) of Sociology at Binghamton University, SUNY, New York, USA, and adjunct professor at Saint Mary's University, Halifax, Nova Scotia,Canada. He describes himself as a "revolutionary and anti-imperialist" activist and writer. He has worked with the Brazilian landless workers’ movement and the unemployed workers’ movement in Argentina. He is currently a member of the editorial collective of Canadian Dimension. Petras is the author of numerous books and articles and contributes to Counterpunch.

He earned a BA from Boston University and an MA, and later a PhD (1967) from the University of California, Berkeley. His initial appointment at Binghamton was in 1972 at the sociology Department and his field is listed as: Development, Latin America, the Caribbean, revolutionary movements, class analysis.[1]

In November 2006, the FARC in Colombia addressed a letter concerning three American hostages (Keith Stansell, Marc Gonsalves and Thomas Howes) to American film stars, the Reverened Jesse Jackson and leftist intellectuals Noam Chomsky, Angela Davis, and James Petras.[2]

[edit] Selected Bibliography

The book cover
  • The Power of Israel in the United States. (Paperback) (2006) ISBN 0-932863-51-5
    - details Petras' view of the role of the Israeli Lobby plays in the United States foreign policy.
  • Social Movements and State Power: Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, Ecuador, with Henry Veltmeyer (2005)
  • Globalization Unmasked: Imperialism in the 21st Century, with Henry Veltmeyer (2001)
  • The Dynamics of Social Change in Latin America, with Henry Veltmeyer (2000)
  • Empire or Republic: Global Power or Domestic Decay in the US, with Morris Morley (1995),
  • Latin America in the Time of Cholera: Electoral Politics, Market Economics, and Permanent Crisis, with Morris Morley (1992)
    - a collection of James Petras essays (in English)

[edit] References


    [edit] External links