James Copeland

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James Copeland (born January 18th, 1823) was an American outlaw during the early-mid 1800's. His crimes mostly took place in Mississippi. He was born in Jackson County, Mississipi. James Copeland killed, robbed, and beat many people in his time. He was the co-leader of a 60 man gang known as the Wages and Copeland Clan. His gang also set fire to many houses, and engaged in horse theft. He was eventually executed by hanging for his crimes, on October 30th, 1857.


[edit] Early life

Born on January 18, 1823, in Jackson County, Mississippi, Copeland began going to school at around ten or eleven. His father said he would put him through school for as long as he wanted. However, James began hanging out with "bad influences" who taught him fraud, and how to cheat and steal. It was reported that during school, he would often trick his school-mates out of their money and pocket knives.

James Copeland himself once said, his first great theft was a valuable pocket knife of a neighbors, whom he tricked out of it. He did this when he was twelve, although he stated he stole from his school-mates long before this. His next great theft was when he was fourteen. Him and his brother, Isham, nicknamed Whinn, went out for a night claiming they were going hunting. However, they instead stole fifteen hogs from a person near-by, and went to Mobile to sell them. They made 30 dollars total. He later went back to that persons' house, and tried to steal more hogs. However, he was caught and arrested by the Jackson County Sheriff and charged with larceny. However, Copeland burned the courthouse down one night, and the records were destroyed. Because of this, James Copeland was let off. He did this with the help of Gale H. Wages.

Wages took Copeland to a Wig-Wam in Mobile. There, he was initiated as a member of a large clan, who engaged in theft and other crimes to make money. He took the clan's oath, it being: ""You solemnly swear upon the Holy Evangelist of Almighty God, that you will never divulge, and always conceal and never reveal any of the signs or passwords of our order; that you will not invent any sign, token or device by which the secret mysteries of our order may be known; that you will not in any way betray or cause to be betrayed any member of this order - the whole under pain of having your head severed form your body - so help you God."

Copeland learned the secret codes and alphabet of the clan. He then went on crime sprees with Wages and McGrath, killing hogs and other animals and selling the meat, stealing horses, and sometimes, kidnapping negros and selling them as slaves.

[edit] The Gang

The reported members of the Wages and Copeland Clan are as follows:

  1. J. Baker
  2. C. W. Moore
  3. W. W. Ratcliff
  4. G. Buskings
  5. J. Harper
  6. J. Bowings
  7. J. W. Wesley
  8. J. Whitfield
  9. J. Whitlom
  10. J. Porter
  11. J. Butler
  12. J. Hopkins
  13. J. Harper
  14. W. P. Hobs
  15. J. Gillet
  16. J. Elva
  17. H. Sanford
  18. R. Cable
  19. J. Hevard
  20. G. Daniels
  21. G. H. Wages
  22. C. H. Mcgraffin
  23. Charles Mcgrath
  24. J. Walter
  25. G. Welter
  26. A. Brown
  27. D. Brown
  28. N. Mcintosh
  29. E. Myrick
  30. J. Waters, Jr.
  31. W. C. Whelps
  32. J. F. Wright
  33. Jasper Whitlow
  34. J. Dewit
  35. E. Sharpor
  36. W. Ross
  37. T. Powell
  38. W. Sanferd
  39. J. Doty
  40. J. Mclain
  41. D. Doty
  42. S. Harden
  43. S.S. Shoemake
  44. J. Harden
  45. W. Brown
  46. G. Clealand
  47. __ Moulton
  48. __ Overall
  49. G. Young
  50. Thomas Hix
  51. J. Alfred
  52. J. Kelly
  53. A. Watson
  54. J. Taylor
  55. S. Teapark
  56. J. Pool
  57. John Copeland
  58. T. Copeland
  59. Henry Copeland
  60. William Copeland

[edit] Mid-Life

Copeland, along with Wages and McGrath, went on stealing horses and other things, as well as robbing and killing people until around May of 1843. They also counterfeited money, and through it all, made around $30,000 between the three of them, quite a bit of money at the time.

[edit] Death of Wages and McGrath

Wages and McGrath were evenutally killed by a man named Harvey. Harvey owed a debt to a person, and did not pay it. This man put a hit on Harvey, and Wages was to be the one to kill him. However, Harvey killed him first.

[edit] External links