
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

en-5 This user is able to contribute with a professional level of English.
ja-4 この利用者は母語に近いレベル日本語を話すことができます。
de-3 Dieser Benutzer hat sehr gute Deutschkenntnisse.
nds-2 Disse Bruker hett gode Plattdüütsch-Kenntnis.
nl-1 Deze gebruiker bezit elementaire kennis van het Nederlands.
sv-1 Denna användare har grundläggande kunskaper i svenska.
Search user languages


[edit] Welcome

Hi. If you've come to this page, I imagine it's because you were either interested or annoyed by something I wrote or a change I made—anyhow, that's usually my motivation for visiting someone's user page <g>.

I'm a translator working between Japanese and English, a profession I took up in 1984. I've lived in Hachioji, a city in west Tokyo, since 1981, when I came to Japan. Before that I lived for nearly five years in Germany, mostly in a town called Wolfenbüttel in Niedersachsen, but also in Hamburg and Pforzheim. I grew up in Riverton, New Jersey, a small town across the river from Philadelphia in the US.

My educational background is not very impressive: a vocational high school for grades 9–12, then an apprenticeship in Germany, where I trained (and then worked) as a Konditor, sort of a combination of confectioner and baker (Konditors don't do bread). I originally came to Japan to go to college, but left after three years to pursue my career in translation. The impending arrival of our first son kind of helped me reach the decision, too.

My interests are just about anything to do with Japan; German history (particularly the Nazi and post-war periods); typography, letter forms, and scripts; and languages; in my next life, I think I'd like to get into vulcanology or seismology and forget about cake baking. Anyhow, these are the areas where I hope to be able to contribute to Wikipedia. I'm also quite interested in Buddhism, particularly the Nichiren flavor(s), and believe I can be of help with describing or explaining terminology and concepts from particularly the Nichiren Shoshu school's perspective (for the record: I believe that whether that perspective is viable or otherwise is for the reader to decide: my intent is to explain it, not promote it <g>).

Anyhow, thanks for stopping by.

Jim_Lockhart 14:22, 13 Apr 2005 (UTC)

[edit] Sub-pages for discussions

My Backburner page Stuff I'm working on or planning to work on

My page for collaborators on SGI issues: If you're cooperating on an article related to SGI and want to know more about me, this is what you're looking for.

[edit] International Travels Brag Sheet

Spent —years (by length of residency):
—months to days (by aggregate lengths of stay(s): |
Idea swiped from User:GilliamJF who pinched it from Moriori who nicked it from Salsb who stole it from Guettarda who borrowed it from Coolcat

This user's time zone is UTC+9.
This user is owned by one or more cats.
This user is a professional translator.
Firefox This user contributes using Mozilla Firefox.

[edit] Notes for self

[edit] Useful templates

  • Template:Japanese/Help
  • {{reorganizing}}
  • {{inuse|until xx:xx UTC}}
  • <span style='font-variant:small-caps'>Small Caps</span> for Small Caps

[edit] Reference citations (templates)

Put under this header, again in a bulleted list, any books, articles, web pages, et cetera that you used in constructing the article and/or recommend as sources of further information to readers.

  • Pooh, W. T. & Robin, C. (1926). "How to catch a heffalump" in A. A. Milne (Ed.), The Karma of Kanga, pp. 23–47. Hundred Acre Wood: Wol Press. ISBN 999999999


[edit] Nihongo Template

There is a template (Template:Nihongo) to help standardize the entries for Japanese terms: {{Nihongo|Eng|kanji_string|romanization if needed}} Usage example:

   {{Nihongo|New Meikai Japanese Dictionary|新明解国語辞典|shinmeikai kokugo jiten}}

appears as

   New Meikai Japanese Dictionary (新明解国語辞典 shinmeikai kokugo jiten?)

The first entry appears before the brackets, the second is the Japanese term in Kanji and Kana, the last is the reading in Hepburn romanization. The question mark ? is a link to Help:Japanese.

Manual of style for Jpn articles: WP:MOS-JA

[edit] Markup for ruby



[edit] Language icons

(German) {{de icon}}

(Japanese) {{ja icon}}

[edit] Language reference templates

German: Deutsch
Polish: Polish, etc.
Japanese: 日本語 Nihongo

With audio file: German:

Where are *.ogg files located? Any Japanese files available?

[edit] Message templates

[edit] special character strings

… (space + ellipsis)

[edit] Inline with article text

Tag Text that will be shown (and usage notes)
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[cite this quote]
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[citation needed]
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[original research?]
{{vague|optional message}}
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{{verify source|article}}
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[verification needed]
{{verify credibility|article}}
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[this source's reliability may need verification]
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[neutrality disputed]
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[opinion needs balancing]
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(Neutrality disputedSee talk page)
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[dubious ]
{{verify spelling}}
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