Talk:Jakarta Commons

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[edit] Removed list of Commons Proper projects

This doesn't add a lot of useful info to the article, I've added a table from an O'Reilly article that gives an overview of categories of projects with examples. Here's the list I deleted:

  • Attributes
  • BeanUtils
  • Betwixt
  • Chain
  • CLI
  • Codec
  • Collections
  • Configuration
  • Daemon
  • DBCP
  • DbUtils
  • Digester
  • Discovery
  • EL
  • Email
  • FileUpload
  • HttpClient
  • IO
  • Jelly
  • Jexl
  • JXPath
  • Lang
  • Launcher
  • Logging
  • Math
  • Modeler
  • Net
  • Pool
  • Primitives
  • Transaction
  • Validator
  • VFS

RainbowCrane 10:33, 13 August 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Removed list of Sandbox projects

As the sandbox is development ground for future Commons Proper projects, this list will very quickly get out of date. We should link to the website for the current list of projects.

Deleted text:

The projects in the Commons Sandbox include the following: Compress, Exec, I18n, Id, Javaflow, JCI, OpenPGP, Pipeline, Proxy, and SCXML.

RainbowCrane 10:58, 13 August 2006 (UTC)

[edit] List of Commons Dormant

As with Commons Sandbox, this list of projects will quickly become outdated. Moving the list here, linking to website for authoritative list.

The projects in the Commons Dormant include the following: Cache, Clazz, Contract, Convert, Events, Feedparser, Functor, JJar, Latka, Mapper, Messenger, Resources, Scaffold, ThreadPool, Workdflow, and XMLIO.

RainbowCrane 11:02, 13 August 2006 (UTC)