Jakob Segal

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Tombstone of Jakob Segal in Berlin
Tombstone of Jakob Segal in Berlin

Jakob Segal (born 1911 in St. Petersburg, Russian Empire; died 1995) was a biology professor at Humboldt University in the former East Germany. He is one of the advocates of the conspiracy theory that HIV was created by the United States government at Fort Detrick, Maryland.

He was accused of being a Soviet disinformation agent by KGB defector Vasili Mitrokhin, and two members of former East Germany's secret police Stasi. Mikhail Gorbachev once purportedly said that he felt sorry the KGB had planted and actively supported such stories in the Western world.


[edit] HIV Theories

Segal claimed that Prof. Robert Gallo crossed the Visna sheep virus with the Human T-cell Leukemia Virus (Htlv I) in 1978 in the P4 laboratory in Fort Detrick, Maryland, USA. Proponents of this theory claim that 90% of HIV DNA is found in Visna and 10% in Htlv I. Genomic analysis, however, shows that such claims are false. Research after Segal's theory shows that HIV is much more closely related to the simian immunodeficiency virus than to any other virus.[1]

[edit] HIV therapy hypothesis

Segal suggested an HIV therapy of anti-inflammatory aspirin or ultraviolet radiation of the patient's blood in order to reduce the metabolic activity of macrophages, which are host cells for HIV. He also supported the idea of a p24- vaccine without gp120 which was patented by Jonas Salck as "Remune".

[edit] Books

  • Jakob Segal/Lilli Segal: Aids - die Spur führt ins Pentagon zusammen mit Manuel Kiper, Biokrieg, Vg. Neuer Weg, 2. ergänzte Auflage Oktober 1990, ISBN 3-88021-199-X
  • Manuel Kiper: Seuchengefahr aus der Retorte - Vom sorglosen Umgang mit Genen, Viren und Bakterien, rororo Verlag, 1992, ISBN 3-499-13119-6
  • Lilli Segal/ Jakob Segal/ Christoph Klug: AIDS can be conquered, Verlag Neuer Weg 1995/2001, ISBN 3-88021-296-1
  • Jakob Segal: AIDS Zellphysiologie Pathologie und Therapie, Verlag Neuer Weg 1992, ISBN 3-88021-211-2
  • Jacob Segal: wie das Leben auf der Erde entstand, DIETZ VERLAG BERLIN, 2. Auflage 1958
  • Jakob Segal und Gunther Seng und andere: Methoden der UV- Bestrahlung von Blut -- HOT und UVB, Hippokrates Verlag Stuttgart 1990, ISBN 3777309842
  • Jakob Segal, Ute Körner, Kate P. Leiterer: Die Entstehung des Lebens aus Biophysikalischer Sicht, VEB Gustav Fischer Verlag 1983, Bestellnummer: 533 7707
  • Jakob Segal: Biophysikalische Aspekte der elementaren Zellfunktionen, VEB Georg Thieme Verlag Leipzig 1978, Bestellnummer: 532 816 5

[edit] Hyperlinks

[edit] References

  1. ^ Visna sequences. Retrieved on 2006-03-25.

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