Jakarta Commons

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The Jakarta Commons is a subproject of the Jakarta Project under the umbrella of the Apache Software Foundation. The purpose of the Commons is to provide reusable, open source Java software. The Commons is composed of three parts: proper, sandbox, and dormant.


[edit] Commons Proper

The Commons Proper is dedicated to creating and maintaining reusable Java components. The Commons Proper is a place for collaboration and sharing, where developers from throughout the Jakarta community can work together on projects to be shared by the Jakarta projects and Jakarta users.

Commons developers will make an effort to ensure that their components have minimal dependencies on other software libraries, so that these components can be deployed easily. In addition, Commons components will keep their interfaces as stable as possible, so that Jakarta users (including other Jakarta subprojects) can implement these components without having to worry about changes in the future.

In August, 2006 there were over thirty projects in the Commons Proper, falling into five general categories.

Component Category Example
Web-related FileUpload, HTTPClient, and Net
XML-related Betwixt, Digester, Jelly, and JXPath
Utilities BeanUtils, Configuration, Logging, DBCP, Pool, and Validator
Packages Codec and Modeler
Trivial CLI, Discovery, Lang, and Collections

Table from (Goyal 2003)

[edit] Commons Sandbox

The Commons Sandbox is a workspace where Jakarta contributors collaborate and experiment on projects that have not been included in the Commons Proper. Projects in the Sandbox are championed by Jakarta members for promotion to the Commons Proper, and groups of developers work to enhance Sandbox projects until they meet the standards for promotion.

The current list of Commons Sandbox projects is available on the Jakarta Commons Sandbox page.

[edit] Commons Dormant

The Commons Dormant is a collection of components that have been declared inactive due to little recent development activity. These components may be used, but must be built yourself. It is best to assume that these components will not be released in the near future.

The current list of Commons Dormant projects is available on the Jakarta Commons Dormant page.

[edit] References

Goyal, Vikram (2003), Using the Jakarta Commons, Part I [link accessed August 13, 2006]

[edit] External links

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