Jahm bin Safwan

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Jahm ibn Safwān (جهم بن صفوان) Abû Muhriz, a client of the Banû Rāsib (who belong to the Azd tribe), called al-Tirmidhî by some and al-Samarqandi by others. An influential Islamic theologian who attached himself to Hārith b. Surayj, a rebel in Khurasan towards the end of the Umayyad period, and who was puth to death in 128/745-6 by Salm b. Ahwaz.[1]


[edit] Biography

He was born in Kufah, but settled down in Khurasān in Tirmidh. His birthyear is unknown, but he probably was born in the first century. He learned under al-Ja'd b. Dirham, an sectarian from Harran in Syria. al-Ja'd b. Dirham was a teacher of the last Umayyad Caliph, Marwan II, and is described as a Dahrî and Zindîq.[2] He was the first Muslim who spoke about the createdness of the Qur'ân, the denial of Abraham's friendship to God and Moses' speaking to Him.[3] From al-Ja'd Jahm b. Safwān inherited some sectarian doctrines and whould become the founder of the Jahmiyyah (see: Jahmites).[4]

[edit] Teachings

Jahm was the first major propagator of the createdness of the Qur'ān. He believed that the Speech of God is created, since all attributes that are ascribed to God and which are shared by the creation are created too. There can be no sharing in name or attribute, according to Jahm, for that would necessitate assimilation (al-tashbîh). He therefore denied each and every attribute mentioned in the scriptures, for fear of anthropomorphism. The only attributes he accepted and described God with were two: creating and power. He believed that creating is the sole attribute that belongs properly to God and power too; all power witnessed among the creatures is metaphorically theirs, not literally. This last belief lead him to the doctrine of fatalism, called al-jabr (compulsion) for which they are called al-Mujbira. He based his theology upon a philosophical thinking he borrowed from non-Arabs mostly.[5]

[edit] Heritage

Jahm's doctrines about God and His attributes found a lot of adherence among the Mu'tazilah, who were named Jahmites by their adversaries. The Mu'tazilah are known because of their belief that the Qur'ān is created, a tenet wherein they imitated Jahm in. They would also become known as deniars of God's attributes in contradistinction of the affirmers from among the Ash'arites and others.[6]

Jahm's doctrines about God's power and that of other agents, that is the doctrine of al-jabr, would found a lot of adherence among the Ash'arites, who denied that human agents are free in choice before the act of choice and with it.[7]

[edit] Criticism

Jahm b. Safwān was declared because of these doctrines a unbeliever by the orthodox Muslims, in particular the Ahl al-Hadîth.[8] Of all Islamic sects only his was declared outside the fold of Islam. Early on many scholars of Hadith wrote refutations of his doctrines, cf. Ahmad ibn Hanbal, al-Bukhari, and al-Darimi.[9] The latter also wrote a large refutation of a prominent Jahmite by the name of Bishr b. Ghiyāt al-Mārisî wherein he declared him a Kāfir (an unbeliever).[10]

[edit] See also

Jahm left no writings, but many Muslim scholars of the past wrote about his doctrines and a few modern scholars wrote studies of him.[11] For internet resources about him and his doctrines:

Ahmad ibn Hanbal



[edit] References

  1. ^ Shorter Encyclopaedia of Islam p.83, Leiden 1974
  2. ^ Abdus Subhan, al-Jahm bin Safwan and his philosophy p.221 in: Islamic Culture 1937, W. Montgomery Watt, Early Discussions about the Qur'ān p.28 in: The Muslim World 1950, al-Dahabi, Mizan al-I'tidal 1:185
  3. ^ W. Madelung, The Origins on the Controversy concerning the Creation of the Qur'ān p.505 in: Orientalia hispanica sive studia F.M. Pareja octogenario dicata, Leiden 1974
  4. ^ al-Bukhāri, Khalq Af'āl al-'Ibād no.4, Kuwait 1985
  5. ^ al-Shahrastāni, Muslim sects and divisions p.72ff
  6. ^ Ibid.
  7. ^ Ibid. p.81ff
  8. ^ al-Bukhārî, Khalq Af'āl al-'Ibād no.42, Ibn Batta al-'Ukbari, al-Ibāna 'an sharî'at al-firqat al-nājiyat no.2335, no.2339, no.2345 and further.
  9. ^ They wrote respectively: al-Radd 'alā al-Zanādiqah wa'l-Jahmiyyah, Khaql Af'āl al-'Ibād wa'l-Radd 'alā al-Jahmiyyah wa-Ashāb al-Ta'tîl and al-Radd 'alā'l-Jahmiyyah
  10. ^ Refer to: Naqd 'Uthmān b. Sa'îd 'alā al-Mārisî al-Jahmî al-'Anîd fi Iftirā 'alā Allāh fî al-Tawhîd, Riyad 1999
  11. ^ For modern studies see: Jamal al-Din al-Qasimi, Tarikh al-Jahmiyyah wa'l-Mu'tazilah and R.M. Frank, The neoplatonism of Ğahm ibn Safwân in: Le Museon 1965 p.395ff