Jaffna Peninsula

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The Jaffna Peninsula is an area in Northern Sri Lanka , where the underground water is used for purpose such as Drinking, Agricultural and Industries. Paddy cultivation is rain fed but it is for nearly three months during the North East monsoon period. It is a part of the peninsula consisting of fourteen D.S Administrative Divisions. The total land area including inland water is 1,030 sq. kms. The terrain of the region is almost flat and of low elevation except in the central part of the western sector in the area around Tellippalai, where elevation rises up to 10.5 m above the main sea level. From here it slopes down gently towards south and south east, but to the north elevation tends to drop abruptly towards the sea.


[edit] Climate and Soil

The climate of Jaffna region is considered as Tropical monsoonal with seasonal rhythm of rainfall. The temperature ranges from 26o C to 33o C Annual precipitation ranges from 696 mm to 1125 mm. It is evenly spread over the area. The north east monsoon (October to January) rain accounts for more than 90 % of the annual rainfall. The Jaffna peninsula is divided into two agro-ecological regions.

The soil found in Jaffna belongs to the following three major soil groups:

  • Calcic Red-yellow latosols.
  • Solodized solonetz and solon chaks.
  • Regosols.

[edit] Water Resource

Water is extracted from the open dug wells for domestic and agricultural purpose. Approximately 28,000 wells are being constructed for both domestic and agricultural purpose. Water available in these wells and its quality varies from place to place. In majority of the deep wells in Valikamam division water is available for irrigation through out the year. These wells are situated in the calcic red-yellow latosols and their depth varies from 20 25 feet. The wells available in other areas are shallow (10 to 15 feet).

[edit] Socio Economic Condition

The total population of the district is around 600,000. Agriculture and fisheries had been the principal economic activities of the district. Over 60 % of the work force in the district depends on agriculture for their livelihood. About 86,000 families are engaged in agriculture while 15,000 families engaged in fishing. Agriculture in the district contributed substantially to the GNP of the country. It is found that the land cultivated by 48 % of the farmers are not belongs to them. The average land holding capacity is around 0.5 to 0.75 acres. The unemployment in the rural areas is 27.9 % while in the urban area 25.8 %

[edit] Crop Production

The agriculture sector including crop and livestock has contributed around 65 % of the total gross domestic product of the district. In terms of production, major cash crops like chilli, onion, tobacco, potato and banana are produced in large extent to meet the substantial portion of the national requirement. Further fruit crops like mango, Grapes and jack are also produced in large quantities.

[edit] Paddy

Total paddy land available for the cultivation is 12,000 ha. Of which nearly 8000 ha (64.6 %) is being cultivated. About 2000 ha of paddy land is being identified as marginal due to the salinity problem.Paddy is cultivated as mono crop in 85 % of the paddy land and in the balance 15 % paddy is followed by vegetable and field crops with the help of left irrigation. The average yield is about 50 bushels per acre (2.5 mt/ha). However, 30 40 % of farmers who cultivate improved varieties are able to obtain yield of 70 bushels per acre (3.5 mt/ha).

[edit] Vegetables

Vegetables are being cultivated through out the year with the help of left irrigation from the dug wells. Low country vegetables such as brinjal, tomato, long bean, okra, snake gourd, bitter gourd and other leafy vegetables are being cultivated and available through out the year. Exotic vegetables like cabbage, leeks, beet, beans, and carrots are also cultivated in large extent.

[edit] Field crops

Among the other field crops, onion, potato, tobacco, chilli and [banana]] are cultivated as cash crops because farmers obtain considerable income from these crops. Total extent of high land available for cultivation is 7,851 ha. Of which 1.642 ha (21 %) is unable to cultivate due to security reas on. At present field crops and vegetables are cultivated in 4200 ha with the help of left irrigation from the dug wells.

[edit] Perennial Crops

Perennial crops include the orchard crops like mango, jack, [grapes]] and citrus and other crops like palmyrah and coconut. Coconut is grown in home stead in the extent of 1470 ha. Other perennial crops are grown in 1500 ha. Further nearly 3.5 million palmarah palms are available in Jaffna. Farmers generate considerable income from fruit crops, like mango, jack, grapes etc cultivated in 1850 ha. Grapes were cultivated in 380 ha during 1985 is reduced to 55 ha in 2004.

[edit] Live Stock

The live stock sector is an important component of the farming system. Up to 1950, only local cattle and goats were reared for milk and meat, with the establishment of artificial insemination in 1950 exotic cross breeds such as Jersey and Indian breeds of cattle were introduced and high milk yield was obtained. Further Jamunapari and Sannan breeds of goats were also introduced for meat and milk. With this introduction of new breeds many farmers started rearing cross breeds of cattle, goat and poultry. From 1950 to 1984 live stock enterprise developed very fast and it was a single or supplementary source of income for nearly 30 % of the district population. Backyard poultry and rearing milking cows and goat for milk and meat generate additional income for the farmers. Live stock population reduced to a considerable extent during the last two decades due to the civil war.

[edit] Tsunami Disaster

Northern and Eastern coast of the peninsula are badly affected by the tsunami, this includes the villages in the Northern cost from Thondaimanaru to Thumpalai and Eastern coast from Vallipuram to Kuddarappu. The damages caused to the eastern coast ar e higher than that of northern coast. Fisheries sectors of this district were badly affected. Estimation of damages caused to different sectors is not yet completed.

Available data revealed that a total of 1,256 people lost their lives while 1,647 were injured and 1,204 are missing. 37,255 people belonging to 9,885 families were displaced, of which 15,034 people belonging to 4038 families are living in the welfare camps and the balance 22,221 people belonging to 5,847 families are living with their friends and relatives. People displaced from the coastal villages of Kankesanthurai, Myliddy and Palali due to the formation heavy security zone were already settled in the above villages and are involving in fishing. Fisheries and agriculture sector in the above villages are affected badly.

[edit] References