Jacoby 2NT
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- This article concerns Contract Bridge and uses terminology associated with the game. See Contract bridge glossary for an explanation of unfamiliar words or phrases.
Jacoby 2NT is a bridge convention in which a bid of 2 Notrump, over partner's 1 of a major opening, is used to show typically a balanced hand of game-forcing strength, with at least four cards in opener's suit. Opener's rebids show strength and shape. It is usually used in conjunction with splinter bids to show similar unbalanced hands. Partnerships using this convention may reach slam contracts more easily than they would otherwise.
The convention is named for its inventor, Oswald Jacoby.
On a 2NT response, the opener further describes his/her hand. With a minimum hand and no singleton, opener bids game in the agreed trump suit (See: Principle of fast arrival). With a very strong hand and no singleton, opener rebids his/her suit at the three level. This bid invites partner to bid controls. With in-between strength and no singleton, opener rebids 3NT. This asks partner to sign off in game or bid controls in case he/she has additional values. With a singleton in a side suit, opener bids that suit at the three level (see: Splinter bid), cue-bidding can then be used to get to slam. Jacoby 2NT is a convention that uses the value of distrubution to bid a slam.