Jacob ben Abraham Kahana

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Jacob ben Abraham Kahana, rabbinical author; died in Wilna 1826. His father was rabbi at Brestowitz, government of Grodno. Jacob was the son-in-law of R. Issachar of Wilna, brother of Elijah Wilna. He lived with his father-in-law, and was supported by him for many years, so that he was able to devote his time to the study of the Law; and he became one of the leading Talmudical scholars in Wilna. After Issachar's death Jacob was appointed trustee of the charities of the city.

Jacob was the author of Shiṭṭot, a commentary on the tractate 'Erubin. The work is divided into three parts, the first consisting of novellæ on the Gemara, the second of novellæ on the Tosefta, and the third of novellæ on the corresponding tractates in the Yerushalmi. The manuscript was revised and the work published in Lemberg, 1863, by Raphael Nathan Rabbinowicz.

Bibliography: Fuenn, Keneset Yisrael, p. 550; idem, Ḳiryah Ne'emanah, p. 240.

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