Jack Deere

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Dr. Jack Deere is a charismatic pastor and theologian from the USA.

He was an associate professor of Old Testament at Dallas Seminary, a bastion of cessationism, the doctrine that the charismatic gifts of the Spirit, such as tongues, prophecy and healing, ended at the close of the 1st century. In the late 1980s, he abandoned his earlier theological position after experiencing the charismatic gifts for himself through the ministry of John Wimber.

From 1988 to 1992 he pastored a Vineyard church, and pastored a Presbyterian church in Montana from 1994 to 1996. He remained in Montana for several years while traveling and speaking, and has since moved back to the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex where he is pastor of a small church.

[edit] Surprised by the Power of the Spirit

Deere's 1996 book Surprised by the Power of the Spirit details his journey into charismatic Christianity, and argues against the cessationist position that the miraculous gifts of the Spirit have ceased. He deals with the arguments of B.B. Warfield and John MacArthur, among others. A companion book, Surprised by the Voice of God, argues for contemporary prophecy and supernatural revelation. He speaks about his experience of the Kansas City Prophets and the ministry of Paul Cain who some, including John Wimber consider to be a Prophet.

[edit] References

  • Deere, Jack, Surprised by the Power of the Spirit, (Zondervan, 1996)
  • Deere, Jack, Surprised by the Voice of God, (Zondervan, 1998)

[edit] External links