List of acronyms and initialisms: J
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This list contains acronyms, initialisms, and pseudo-blends that begin with the letter J.
For the purposes of this list:
- acronym = an abbreviation pronounced as a series of constituent letters, e.g., SARS = severe acute respiratory syndrome
- initialism = an abbreviation pronounced wholly or partly using the names of its constituent letters, e.g., CD = compact disc
- pseudo-blend = an abbreviation whose extra or omitted letters means that it cannot stand as a true acronym, initialism, or portmanteau (a word formed by combining two or more words).
- (a) = acronym in the example: SARS - (a) Severe acute respiratory syndrome
- (i) = initialism in the example: CD - (i) Compact disc
- (p) = pseudo-blend in the example: UNIFEM - (p) United Nations Development Fund for Women
- (s) = symbol (none of the above, representing and pronounced as something else; for example: MHz - Megahertz)
[edit] Add new entries here or in the sub-pages
Please add your own entries, in this page or in the appropriate sub-page. Use a quasi-dictionary order, with lowercase treated the same as uppercase and ignoring non-alphanumeric characters (hyphens and such). This means that only alphanumeric characters have any significance in determining order, and that lowercase letters occupy the same ordering position as uppercase (in tie-breaker cases, list lower case first). For example: Ka appears before KA. (This differs from a strict ASCII ordering)
(Main list of acronyms and initialisms)
- J - (s) Joule
[edit] J0-9
- J1 - (s) Joint [Manpower &] Personnel Directorate
- J2 - (s) Joint Intelligence Directorate
- J2EE - (i) Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition
- J2ME - (i) Java 2 Platform, Micro Edition
- J2SE - (i) Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition
- J3 - (s) Joint Operations Directorate
- J4 - (s) Joint Logistics Directorate
- J5 - (s) Joint Strategic Plans & Policy Directorate
- J6 - (s) Joint Information Technology Directorate (Command, Control, Communications & Computer Systems)
- J7 - (s) Joint Operational Plans & Interoperability Directorate
- J8 - (s) Joint Force Structure, Resources, & Assessment Directorate
- J9 - (s) Joint Public Affairs Directorate (Civilian-Military Cooperation)
[edit] JA
- JA - (s) Japan (FIPS 10-4 country code)
- JAFT - (s) Just A Field Test
- JAG - (a) Judge Advocate General (military law)
- JAL - (p) Japan Airlines
- JAM - (s) Jamaica (ISO 3166 trigram)
- JAMA - (i) Journal of the American Medical Association
- JANUS - (a) Joint Academic Network Using Satellites (UK) - Joint Army Navy Uniform Simulation - (p) Joint Army-Navy Staff - Just ANother Useless Simulation (Note: The U.S. Army Janus simulation is not an acronym)
- JATO - (a) Jet-Assisted Take-Off
[edit] JB
- JB - (i) Junior Branch
- JBFSA - (i) Joint Blue Force Situational Awareness
[edit] JC
- JCATS - (a) Joint Conflict And Tactical Simulation ("djay-catts")
- JCDB - (i) Joint Common Data Base
- JCDS - (i) Joint Chiefs of the Defence Staff
- JCIDS - (i) Joint Capabilities Integration and Development System
- JCIET - (i) Joint Combat Identification Evaluation Team
- JCL - (i) Job Control Language
- JCP - (a) Java Community Process
- JCPM - (i) Java Child Process Manager - Jesus Christ Prison Ministry
- JCS - (i) Joint Chiefs of Staff
[edit] JD
- JD - (i) Jack Daniels (whiskey) - Julian Day - juris doctor (Latin, "doctor of jurisprudence")
- JDAM - (a/i) Joint Direct Attack Munition ("djay-dam")
- JDBC - (i) Java Data Base Connectivity
- JDCC - (i) UK Joint Doctrine and Concepts Centre
- JDEM - (i) Joint Dark Energy Mission
- JDK - (i) Java Development Kit
- JDL - (i) Jewish Defense League
[edit] JE
- JE - (s) Jersey (FIPS 10-4 territory code)
- JEB - (a) James Ewell Brown Stuart - Jeb Bush - Jeb Stuart - John Ellis Bush
- JEFX - (p) Joint Expeditionary Force eXperiment
- JET - (a) Joint European Torus
- JEZ - (a) Joint Engagement Zone
[edit] JF
- JFACC - (i) Joint Force Air Component Commander
- JFACTSU - (a) U.S. Joint Forward Air Control Training and Standards Unit
- JFC - (i) Joint Force Commander
- JFCOM - (p) U.S. Joint Forces Command ("jiff-comm")
- JFET - (i/a) Junction Field-Effect Transistor ("jay-fett")
- JFHQ-NCR - (i) Joint Force Headquarters National Capital Region
- JFK - (i) John Fitzgerald Kennedy or the airport named after him.
- JFLCC - (i) Joint Force Land Component Commander
- JFMCC - (i) Joint Force Maritime Component Commander
- JFO - (i) Journal of Field Ornithology
- JFSOCC - (i) Joint Force Special Operations Component Commander
- JFTX - (i) Joint Field Training Exercise
[edit] JH
[edit] JI
- JI - (i) Joint Implementation
- JIB - (a) Joint Information Bureau
- JIC - (a) Joint Intelligence Centre
- JINI - (a) Java Intelligent Network Infrastructure
- JITC - (i) Joint Interoperability Test Command
- JIVE - (a) Joint Institute for VLBI (Very Long Baseline Interferometry) in Europe
[edit] JK
- JK - (i) Jedi Knight - Just Kidding - (s) Spanair (IATA airline designator)
[edit] JL
- JL - (s) Japan Airlines (IATA airline designator)
[edit] JM
- JM - (s) Jamaica (FIPS 10-4 country code; ISO 3166 digram)
- JMS - (i) Java Message Service
[edit] JN
- JN - (s) Jan Mayen Island (FIPS 10-4 territory code)
- JNI - (i) Java Native Interface
- JNLP - (i) Java Network Launch Protocol
[edit] JO
- JO - (s) Jordan (FIPS 10-4 country code; ISO 3166 digram)
- JOA - (a/i) Joint Operations Area
- JOPES - (a) Joint Operations Planning and Execution System
- JOR - (s) Jordan (ISO 3166 trigram)
- JOTS - (a) Joint Operations Tactical System
- JSP - (a) Joint Services Publication
[edit] JP
- JP - (s) Japan (ISO 3166 digram) - (i) Justice of the Peace
- JPEG - (a) Joint Photographic Experts Group ("djay-peg")
- JPL - (i) Jet Propulsion Laboratory
- JPN - (s) Japan (ISO 3166 trigram)
- JPOW - (i) Joint Project Optic Windmill
[edit] JQ
- JQ - (s) Jetstar Airways (IATA airline designator) - (i) Johnny Quick - (s) Johnston Atoll (FIPS 10-4 territory code) - (i) Jonny Quest - Joshua Quagmire
[edit] JR
- JRA - (i) Japanese Red Army - Joint Rear Area
- JRDF - (i) Joint Rapid Deployment Forces
- JRE - (i) Java Runtime Environment
- JREF - (i) James Randi Educational Foundation
- JROC - (i) Joint Requirements Oversight Council
- JROCM - (i) JROC Memorandum
- JRRF - (i) Joint Rapid Reaction Forces
[edit] JS
- JSAF - (a) Joint Semi-Automated Forces ("djay-saff")
- JSCSC - (i) Joint Services Command and Staff College
- JSD - (i) juris scientiae doctor (Latin, "doctor of science of law")
- JSEAD - (i) Joint Suppression of Enemy Air Defence (see SEAD)
- JSF - (i) Joint Strike Fighter
- JSIMS - (p) Joint Simulation System
- JSOA - (i) Joint Special Operations Area
- JSOTF - (i) Joint Special Operations Task Force
- JSP - (i) JavaServer Page
- JSR - (i) Java Specification Request
- JSS - (i) Joint Support Ship
- JSTARS - (p) Joint Surveillance Target Attack Radar System ("djay-starz")
[edit] JT
- JT - (s) Johnston Atoll (ISO 3166 digram; obsolete 1986) - (i) Junior Technician (RAF)
- JTAGS - (p) Joint Tactical Ground Station ("djay-tagz")
- JTC - (i) Joint Training Confederation
- J-TENS - (a) Joint-Tactical Exploitation of National Capabilities
- JTF - (i) Joint Task Force
- JTFEX - (p) Joint Task Force Exercise
- JTIDS - (p) Joint Tactical Information Distribution System ("djay-tidz")
- JTLS - (i) Joint Theater Level Simulation
- JTMD - (i) Joint Theatre Missile Defence
- JTN - (s) Johnston Atoll (ISO 3166 trigram; obsolete 1986)
- JTRS - (a/i) Joint Tactical Radio System ("jitters")
[edit] JU
- JU - (s) Juan de Nova Island (FIPS 10-4 territory code)
- JUGFET - (p) JUnction Gate Field-Effect Transistor
- JUO - (i) Joint Urban Operations
[edit] JV
- JV - (i) Joint Venture
- JV - (i) Junior Varsity
- JVM - (i) Java Virtual Machine
[edit] JW
- JW - (i) Jehovah's Witnesses
- JWARS - (p) Joint Warfare System (simulation)
- JWP - (i) Joint Warfare Publication
- JWST - (i) James Webb Space Telescope
[edit] JY
[edit] JZ
- JZ - (i) Joint Zone