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note: This page is so good that you will want to stand on top of a mountain and rejoice it to the world. It is also much better than 'Bob's', which looks like a crack-head monkey made it. it is comparable to brokeback mountain times 20. It has no point other than to attract other homos. he might as well just write 'im retarded' on it because thats what it basically says in a nutshell. bitch, what you say bout' that? all i have to say is down with 'Bob' and hail UKRAINE

  • please note that the person i am referring to is not actually Bob, but someone we all know as ...someone else. However, he is an admin and he will delete me if i put it in.

[edit] About J.Koz

J.Koz is the coolest person in the world. Everyone loves him more than "bob"...who blows anus. Here are some facts about the one, the only, the legendary J.KOZ!!!

Location: PEG CITY

Age: 15

Intrests: Hockey, parties, sorting buttons, beating up weak kids


  • Animal: Camel
  • Colour: Blue
  • Food: pasta

Least favorite:

  • Person: 'Bob'
  • Admin: Master_of_Puppets
  • Country: Bosnia

[edit] Letters from the public

Hello Mr. Editor. After visiting both user pages, I have come to a conclusion. This 'Bob' character has no taste and has created a very bland userpage. He is also the worst administrator that i have ever seen. My grandma could make a better page than his, and she is 300. Go j.koz.

-From: George (Cleveland, Ohio)

Dear Mr. Editor, I too agree with this George character in that his userpage is less than mediocre. I bet he sucks his thumb and watches Barney because it sure shows on his homo page. If i didn't know any better I would think that is was created by his dog sitting on the keyboard and pressing random keys and then pressing 'save page'. Boo ya.

-From: William Boogerson (Kalamazoo, Michigan)

Congratulations Mr. J.Koz on this superb userpage. I just got back from the Rocky Mountains, which i climbed and rejoiced about how amazing this page is. Unfortunatly, i was only head by a couple of sheep and a gigantic grizzly bear, which bit off my arm. It was so worth it. You are my hero because of your amazing userpage. PRAISE UKRAINE! PRAISE J.KOZ! and down with Bob, obviously.

-From: Ernie B. (Red Deer, Alberta)