Jørgen Jørgensen

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For the Danish Education Minister see Jørgen Peder Laurids Jørgensen
Jørgen Jørgenson
Jørgen Jørgenson

Jørgen Jørgensen (b.29 March 1780, Copenhagen, Denmark; d.January 20, 1841, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia) was a Dane of the period of European revolutions. He went to Iceland in 1809 and declared the country independent from Denmark with himself as a temporary monarch, claiming that he would hand over the reins as soon as the Icelandic people were able to govern themselves; his intent was to establish a liberal society in the spirit of those emerging in The Americas and Europe at the time.

At the age of 16, Jørgensen was apprenticed on a British collier. In 1799 he was at Cape Town from whence he sailed in 1800 to Port Jackson, the new British colony in Australia. In 1801 he joined the crew of the Lady Nelson. As a member of that crew, Jørgensen was present at the first Tasmanian settlements of Risdon Cove and Sullivan's Cove.

In 1807 Jørgensen was visiting his family in Copenhagen became caught up in the war between the French and English. He was given command of a small Danish vessel, the Admiral Jawl. However in 1808 he was captured as a prisoner-of-war by the British. In 1809 while on parole he suggested to a merchant a voyage to Iceland which was said to be short of food. Jørgensen accompanied the voyage of the Clarence as an interpreter. That voyage failed to trade as the ship was British and Denmark and Britain were at war. Soon after Jørgensen accompanied a second voyage. On arrival at Iceland they found the Governor would still not permit trading. Jørgensen managed to arrest the governor and proclaimed himself ruler. Danish government was restored a few months later and Jørgensen was taken back to England. He was then tried by the transport board and found guilty of breaking his parole while a prisoner-of-war. He was released in 1811.

Icelanders refer to Jørgensen as Jörundur hundadagakonungur.

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