Jérôme Eugène Coggia

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Minor planets discovered: 5
96 Aegle February 17, 1868
187 Lamberta April 11, 1878
193 Ambrosia February 28, 1879
217 Eudora August 30, 1880
444 Gyptis March 31, 1899

Jérôme Eugène Coggia (February 18, 1849January 15, 1919) was a 19th-century French (Corsican) astronomer.

Working in Marseille, he discovered a number of comets, including the bright "Coggia's Comet" (C/1874 H1). The periodic comet 27P/Crommelin was previously called "Comet Pons-Coggia-Winnecke-Forbes".

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