Iwal language

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Spoken in: Papua New Guinea 
Region: Morobe Province
Total speakers: 1,500 (1987 SIL)
Language family: Austronesian
      North New Guinea
       Huon Gulf
        South Huon Gulf
Language codes
ISO 639-1: none
ISO 639-2:
ISO 639-3: kbm

Iwal (also called Kaiwa from Jabêm Kai Iwac 'Iwac highlanders') is an Austronesian language spoken by about 1,900 people from nine villages in Morobe Province, Papua New Guinea (Cobb & Wroge 1990). Although it appears most closely related to the South Huon Gulf languages, it is the most conservative member of its subgroup.


[edit] Phonology

Iwal distinguishes 5 vowels and 16 consonants. Unlike most of its neighboring languages, it distinguishes the lateral /l/ from the trill /r/, the latter derived from earlier *s, as in aru from Proto-Oceanic (POc) *qasu 'smoke', ruru- from POc *susu 'breast', and ur from POc *qusan 'rain'. Otherwise it appears to be the most phonologically conservative language in the South Huon Gulf chain (see Ross 1988:154-160). It has retained POc *t as /t/ (not /l/ or /y/) and POc *mw as /mw/ (not /my/ or /ny/), as in mwat 'snake' from POc *mwata.

[edit] Vowels (orthographic)

Front Central Back
High i u
Mid e o
Low a

[edit] Consonants (orthographic)

Bilabial Alveolar Palatal Velar Glottal
Voiceless stop p t k
Voiced stop b d g
Nasal m n ng
Fricative v s -h-
Lateral l
Rhotic r
Approximant w y

[edit] Morphology

[edit] Pronouns and person markers

[edit] Free pronouns

Person Singular Plural Dual Paucal
1st person inclusive eitit tutlu totol
1st person exclusive ayeu ~ au amei eilu eitol
2nd person mie yem yemlu yemtol
3rd person ei eisir sulu sotol

[edit] Genitive pronouns

Person Singular Plural
1st person inclusive a-nd
1st person exclusive a-ngg a-meimei
2nd person a-m a-im
3rd person a-ne a-s

[edit] Possessive suffixes

Person Singular Plural
1st person inclusive -(a)nd
1st person exclusive -(a)ngg -(a)nggamei
2nd person -m (-am > -em) -(a)nggaim
3rd person -Ø (-a > -e) -s

[edit] Deictics

Iwal deictics correlate with first, second, and third person, each of which has a long and a short form. The latter appear to be anaphoric in usage. Deictics also serve to bracket relative clauses: ete/ebe ... ok/nok/nik. By far the most common brackets are ebe ... ok, but if the information in the clause is associated with either speaker or addressee, the brackets are likely to be ete ... nik or ete ... nok. Deictics may occur either in place of nouns or postposed to nouns, as in nalk etok 'that earth/soil'.

  • ete(n)ik, nik 'near speaker'
  • ete(n)ok, nok 'near addressee'
  • et(e)ok/eb(e)ok, ok 'away from speaker or addressee'

[edit] Numerals

Traditional Iwal counting practices started with the digits of the left hand, then continued on the right hand, and then the feet to reach '20', which translates as 'one person'. Higher numbers are multiples of 'one person'. Nowadays, most counting above '5' is done in Tok Pisin; in the Iwal New Testament, all numbers above '5'—except bage isgabu '10'—are written with arabic numerals and most likely read in Tok Pisin.

Numeral Term Gloss
1 dongke/ti 'one'
2 ailu 'two'
3 aitol 'three'
4 aivat 'four'
5 bage tavlu 'hands half/part'
6 bage tavlu ano dongke 'hands half right one'
7 bage tavlu ano ailu 'hands half right two'
8 bage tavlu ano aitol 'hands half right three'
9 bage tavlu ano aivat 'hands half right four'
10 bage isgabu 'hands both/pair'
15 bage isgabu be va tavlu 'hands both and feet half'
20 buni amol ti '[?] person one'
100 buni amol bage tavlu '[?] person hands half [= '5']'

[edit] Bioclassifying prefixes

One unusual feature of Iwal is a small set of bioclassifying prefixes: ei- (POc *kayu) for trees, wer- for edible greens, man(k)- (POc *manuk) for birds, ih- (POc *ikan) for fish.

  • eivovo 'canoe, canoe tree'
  • eiweiwei 'mango tree' (POc *waiwai)
  • weru 'two-leaf (Tok Pisin tulip), Gnetum gnemon, a tree with paired edible leaves'
  • weryambum 'cabbage'
  • mankbubu 'pigeon' (POc *bune)
  • mankaruel 'cassowary' (POc *kasuari)
  • ihtangir 'Spanish mackeral' (Tok Pisin tangir)

[edit] Note

The primary source for this article is Bradshaw (2001), whose copyright holder is Joel Bradshaw, whose contributions here are licensed under the GFDL.

[edit] External links

[edit] References

  • Anon. (2004). Organised Phonology Data: Iwal (Kaiwa) language. Summer Institute of Linguistics. [1]
  • Bradshaw, Joel (2001). "Iwal grammar essentials, with comparative notes." In Andrew Pawley, Malcolm Ross, Darrell Tryon, eds., The boy from Bundaberg: Studies in Melanesian linguistics in honour of Tom Dutton, 51-74. Canberra: Pacific Linguistics.
  • Cobb, Elyse, and Diane Wroge (1990). "Iwal transfer primer and teachers' training course." Read 25(2):40-44. Summer Institute of Linguistics.
  • Ross, Malcolm (1988). Proto Oceanic and the Austronesian languages of western Melanesia. Canberra: Pacific Linguistics.