Ivan Shamiakin

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Ivan Shamiakin (Belarusian: Іван Шамякін) (January 30, 1921October 14, 2004) — a Soviet Belarusian writer, he was perhaps one of the most prolific writers of the Soviet BSSR, writing in a socialist realist style and praising Soviet rule.

He was born in 1921 a village Karma in the Homel region of Belarus, studied construction engineering in a vocational school (1940), then fought in World War II on the Soviet side, taking part in battles near Murmansk and in Poland. After the war he studied at the Homel pedagogical university, worked as an editor and had different communist party positions in the local party offices in Belarus. In 1963 he worked at the United Nations as a part of the Belarusan UN delegation. In 1980 Shamiakin became the chief editor of the Soviet Belarusian Encyclopedia. And in 1994 he became the academician of the National Academy of Sciences.


[edit] Novels

  • Hlybokaja Plyn (Deep streams), 1949
  • U dobry chas (In the Good Times), 1953
  • Niepautornaja viasna (Unrepeatable Spring), 1957 — a part of the pentology Tryvoznaje scascie (Restless Happiness)
  • Krynicy (The Springs), 1957
  • Nacnyja zarnicy (Lightnings in the Summer Night), 1958 — a part of the pentology Tryvoznaje scascie (Restless Happiness)
  • Ahon i snieh (Fire and Snow), 1959 — a part of the pentology Tryvoznaje scascie (Restless Happiness)
  • Poshuki i sustrechy (Searching and getting together), 1959 — a part of the Tryvoznaje scascie (Restless Happiness)
  • Serca na daloni (The Heart on the Open Palm), 1964
  • Most (The Bridge), 1965 — a part of the pentology Tryvoznaje scascie (Restless Happiness)
  • Snieznyja zimy (Snowy winters), 1970
  • Atlanty i karyjatydy (Telamones and Caryatides), 1974
  • Vazmu tvoj bol (I will take your pain), 1979
  • Petrahrad-Brest (Petrograd-Brest), 1983
  • Zenit (Zenith), 1987
  • Zlaja zorka (Wicked Star), 1993

[edit] Shorter novels and short stories collections

  • Pomsta (Revenge), 1945
  • Na znajomych shlachach (On the Familiar Path), 1949
  • Dzvie sily (Two Forces), 1951
  • Apaviadanni (Stories), 1952
  • Piershaje spatkannie (The First Date), 1956
  • Matchyny ruki (Mother's Hands), 1961
  • Viacherni seans (Late-evening movie), 1968
  • Los majho ziemlaka (The Fate of My Fellow Countryman), 1970
  • Backa i dzieci (Father and children), 1971
  • Sciahi pad sztykami (Flags under bayonnets), 1976
  • Handlarka i paet. Shlubnaja noch. (Saleswoman and poet. Prima notte), 1976
  • U rodnaj siamji (In the Native Family), 1986
  • Drama (Drama), 1990
  • Apoviesci Ivana Andrejevicha (Stories of Ivan Andreevich), 1993
  • Dzie sciezki tyja... (Where are those paths...), 1993
  • Padziennie (The Falling), 1994
  • Sataninski tur (Satan's tour), 1995

[edit] Plays

  • Nia viecie cishyni (Don't Believe in Silence), 1958
  • Vyhannie bludnicy (Eviction of the adulteress), 1961
  • Dzieci adnaho doma (Children of one house), 1967
  • Ekzamen na vosien (Exam for the Autumn), 1973
  • Batalija na luzie (The Battle on the Meadow), 1975
  • I zmoukli ptushki (And the Birds Stopped Singing), 1971
  • Zalaty medal (The Gold Medal), 1979

[edit] Non-fiction

  • Razmova z chytachom (Talking to the Reader), 1973
  • Karenni i haliny (Roots and Branches), 1986
  • Rozdum na aposznim pierahonie: Dzionnik 1980-1995. (Thoughts before the last station: Diary 1980-1995), 1998

[edit] External links

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