Itching powder

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Itching powder refers to a group of powders or powder-like substances which induce itching when applied onto human skin. This is usually done as a practical joke or prank to an unsuspecting victim.

The cause of the irritation can be mechanical, such as products containing ground rose hips. [1] In other cases, the irritant causes contact dermatitis. For instance, a proteolytic enzyme in okra can cause irritation and lesions. [2] Another common ingredient is Mucuna pruriens. [3]

[edit] See also

[edit] References

  1. ^ Albert MR. Novelty shop "itching powder." Australas J Dermatol. 1998 Aug;39(3):188-9.
  2. ^ Fumi Manda, Kenjiro Tadera, Kohji Aoyana (1992). Skin lesions due to okra (Hibiscus esculentus L): proteolytic activity and allergenicity of okra. Contact Dermatitis 26 (2), 95–100.
  3. ^ G. V. Joglekar, M. B. Bhide J. H. Balwani. An experimental method for screening antipruritic agents. British Journal of Dermatology. Volume 75 Issue 3 Page 117 - March 1963