Italian Red Cross

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The Italian Red Cross (Croce Rossa Italiana in Italian) is the Italian national Red Cross society that has its origin in the Comitato dell'Associazione Italiana per il soccorso ai feriti ed ai malati in guerra that was formed in Milan on June 15, 1864. Other committies were formed later.
Presently, the Italian Red Cross has the status of a sovra-national charitable organization, under the high patronage of the President of the Italian Republic.

The Italian Red Cross is a member of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies.

Doctor Massimo Barra was elected President of the Italian Red Cross on December 11, 2005.

[edit] Components

The Italian Red Cross is comprised of the following components:

  • Corpo militare - Military corps
  • Corpo delle Infermiere Volontarie - Voluntary nurses
  • Volontari del Soccorso - Voluntary of First Aid
  • Comitato Femminile - Women's Committee
  • Pionieri - Pioneers
  • Donatori del Sangue - Blood Donors

[edit] External link

Official Italian Red Cross website (in Italian)

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